Stately Play Decathlon 2022!

The thing that gets me is when I tap the “Show Faction Info” button, and then the game shows me the faction info for the wrong race of my colour, and I start planning around abilities I don’t have…
The first time I tap Show Faction Info it always does that, and I have to do it a second time for it to show the correct race.

:open_mouth: :exploding_head: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That calls for a bug report!

Power is amazing - and so much more complex here it seems. I didn’t realise there was Gaia (level 0) power, and action that gets you power tokens, satellites are power and that the turning purple dots green is power based.

So much drain on your power in this! I love it.

But most of all, I love the tech tracks.


definitely a bug. not destructive, but irritating for sure.
by now i’m used to tap again.

Hi folks! As you may remember, we swapped in Gaia since Wingspan had an upcoming expansion release. My thought was we would re-slot Wingspan in as game 7 but since the expansion is now out, maybe we want to strike while the iron is hot. Alternatively, we can move on to another “new to the Decathlon” game - Raiders of the North Sea - which I’m sure everyone will enjoy.

I’ll leave it up to all of you to decide which game should be next…

  • Wingspan
  • Raiders of the North Sea

0 voters

Table 1 has finished. Gg @feederofgoats and @doublebullout! Final score
JMH.75: 141
Feeder of goats: 112
Doublebullout: 110


A close race for second there… :wink:

Table 5 - you are now officially holding us up. :wink: How are things progressing?


Also, just to confirm that mathematically the vote for game 5 goes to Wingspan - I’m looking forward to it!

So, games 5/6/7/8 will be:

  1. Wingspan
  2. Raiders of the North Sea
  3. Through the Ages
  4. Castles of Burgundy

Voting on games 9 and 10 will take place during Through the Ages so we have time to vote and then possibly get some practice games in before wrapping up the Decathlon.

Head on over to the Decathlon Practice Arena thread if you want to get a practice game of Raiders in!

Heading towards end of round 3…

Well played! That was extremely close for second…… I’m quite proud of my performance as that was my first game of this (although I have played a few Terra Mystica games before).

It’s a really great game with just the right amount of player interaction (I was cursing when @doublebullout grabbed the QIC action that allowed rescoring of a federation in the last round).

The app is pretty bad though. I really hated having to force close and reload every time I checked if it was my turn.


It was a really well played game all around. It felt like I was playing catchup after the 1st round, and I decided to concentrate on research and QIC actions because I ran out of room to expand. @JMH.75 started to pull away pretty decisively late.

Sorry, @feederofgoats, I was laughing maniacally to myself when I sniped the 3 cube QIC from you. It almost worked, too. :joy:

what is going on for you? this is strange.
notifications and badges are totally reliable for me, and i never had to force close and reload the app.
sometimes the GC login is delayed for some seconds (i’m sure that’s to blame on GC).
just wait till the flag “signed in as…” comes up on top of the screen and you are ready to load the save file.

To be fair the notifications were good. Almost always though the app would freeze when I opened it. If I’d only recently taken a turn all would be okay but definitely not if I’d changed wifi networks.

Weird, I don’t remember Raiders of the North Sea winning any vote. I would have bought it already and tried to learn how to play.

I have to do the same with Gaia Project, if I don’t force close it, I don’t get notifications.

@feederofgoats I always just force quit after taking my turn in Gaia Project, and that solves that problem.

are we talking about closing down the app against leaving it reside in background?

well, that might explain the difference in behavior, because i always close down apps after having played my turns.

Same. I force close everything constantly. I’ve not had any problems with Gaia Project notifications.

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See the list at the top of this thread. :wink:

And here’s the original preparation thread…

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as usual, I am an idiot