Stately Play Decathlon 2022!

we have played in 4 Gaia games together so far, and there have been many Gaiaformers in action (except in the last game).
so i guess you haven’t activated the “Watch Replay” option?

i hadn’t found it at first look either.
had searched through the options menu but for whatever strange reasons it’s not in options.

I mean when you have all our power in bowl 3, and someone does something that will let you cycle power, and then you cycle some power in response so it isn’t wasted. Again, something that made more sense (incorrectly) when learning the physical TM.

I have the replay last turn on, but this current game was the first time I recall seeeing the gaiaformer symbol. Maybe I just haven’t been paying enough attention to what everyone else has been doing.

Speaking of Gaia, @Hardco you are out of time just in case you didn’t get a notification. :slight_smile:

Table 1 is up and running!

Good job, Table 1. Meanwhile, Table 4 is finished… :wink:

As noted above, some of the subtleties of this game haven’t quite sunk in yet… for example, I was counting on using my faction action twice in the final round (would have meant a win with 6 more points) only to remember too late that you can only do that once per round! :roll_eyes:

It was still fun to take or tie for the lead in both final scoring criteria in the last round though and in general this was another good game. Congrats to @kennfusion and a good last round from @Hardco to keep it interesting!

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I feel that race selection is a lot more important in this than in Terra Mystica. I’ve generally been limiting my choice to the board layout rather than the round and end game goals, and if those two things aren’t in line I fall flat on my face.

Or maybe I just don’t know how to play some of the races, and not fully understanding all of the mechanics in the game is probably non-ideal for a competition!

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I think the round goals and end of game goals are key in Gaia and race selection should probably be influenced by that.

Although to be honest it wasn’t until halfway through this game that I even realized the end of game goals are randomizes or noticed what they were! :roll_eyes::rofl: Fortunately, I was in a decent position to capitalize on the final goals, but I lost out on big points from the final round goal that @Hardco and @kennfusion scored.

I’m enjoying the game more each time I play it though, so that’s good. On the other other hand, I’m happy we can just relax and play Wingspan now. :wink:

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GG @Codington and @Hardco

Yes, I specifically picked Xenos because of the end game goals, starting with three mines, I was able to start off with 3 different sectors. And then with the Gaia planet goal, I thought I was in a good position to pick up the majority of those.

I actually thought I was going to get the last Gaia planet that @Codington took in sector 7, but I had not even realized that you could not move into the top research spot without a federation. So that meant I had to form a federation before I could complete the AI track and get enough QIC to take that. But then Codington stole it from me! :slight_smile:

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Table 3 finished with a flurry this morning, gg @geigerm & @HostileApostle!

I was able to squeak out just enough power actions to allow me to make one final federation there in the last turn, which put me just ahead on final scoring goals.

It’s nice to get a win, but even nicer not to have to hear @HostileApostle complain about Gaia project anymore, lol… (For the record, he’s wrong, this game is awesome.)


@Schlotzky Congrats and great game! I watched those final few actions of yours hoping I might hold on, but it was a fun game regardless.

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Ya this game is lost on me.

I hate this game and I hate all the people who voted for it!

On to the next…




What’s funny is that I like this game, and I still think I only understand about half of it.

This is a game that I really want to play in person with people (who know the game) a few times to better understand the whole thing.


Agree with kennfusion. I have never played in person, but maybe that would make the difference for me. Much harder to pick up games online than in person. Not sure if it’s a tangible thing or what.

I’m sure it’s a very good game.


@Notsew12345, we are still waiting at Table 5 for you to take your first turn. You’ve been up for 3 days.

I’m not expecting any more tables to be complete, but just reaching out at the end of the month here to make sure the remaining games of Gaia Project are going smoothly…

Smooth as butter, here. Just started up round 6.

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Table 5 pulling up the rear and still on round 1, I’m afraid - it’s your turn @Notsew12345

I think we are in the middle of round 4.

I have not played a full game of this before, so curious as to how it plays out at the end.

How does the 3 green cube “rescore” federation work?

Also, what’s the point of the purple planets?