Stately Play Decathlon 2021

Good game. I don’t usually miss that, but every time I thought about it, I didn’t have the money to do it first

@Strangiato, do you have any idea about those weird different final scores?
that’s totally crazy, or?

Table 6 complete, gg all!

Final scores:
Schlotzky 169
Baelnor 163
Jmh.75 99

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Gg! At least it is totally clear I didn’t win :wink:

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I’m not sure when we need to be finished with Lords of Waterdeep, but our game is only in round 4…

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Thanks for the heads up, @HostileApostle.

@Hardco / @JammaTal - any reason for the relatively slow pace? Is there a notification issue?

Table 1 is running fairly slow also, we are on turn 5. So I would not worry about it too much. While I tend to play a turn within a few hours every time, I think we know from past Decathlons, some of our group just don’t have enough bandwidth.

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Thanks, @kennfusion.

To everyone: we have all year :wink: but hopefully people can manage to take their turn within 24 hours of notification. (Note that actually if we don’t move faster than that on average then a “Short” game of Waterdeep could take 3 months…)

Please also post here or communicate with your table partners if notifications are not working for you (just about every game seems to suffer from this at least periodically) so that everyone can know when it is their turn.

Thanks and I hope everyone is enjoying themselves so far!

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I don’t believe there have been any notification issues. I just think some people had some real life stuff going on…

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Ok, all good, just making sure there aren’t any blockers.

Now that I think of it, 3 players over 8 rounds in 26 days since we started is actually quite speedy… so let’s turn this around and say kudos to tables 6 and 7 (and soon to be table 5…) :stuck_out_tongue:

Table 5 complete:

170 - @Codington
145 - @doublebullout
138 - @JaneHatke

I was able to grab a few quests that allowed me to return skulls and therefore “fearlessly” leverage the Skullport actions - including the building that allows taking back workers to place them again. Definitely wasn’t confident of the win until late in the final round though!

Good game, all!

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Nice win, @Codington! Well played!


Just as a heads up - I think there are some notification issues (at least for me) if you have to take actions outside your turn. Unfortunately I have done a plot quest that requires me to do something at start of every turn that I’m not being notified for. I’ve been trying to remember to check in and helped by fact that my table mates are playing quickly.


Table 4 is done.

geigerm 195
@jason1002 141
@johnl 140

Good game, everyone!


Close finish for 2nd place! That’s what I like to call the “if I had only taken one less skull” final scoring… (My condolences @johnl - I’ve been there MANY times!)

Good game! I greatly overestimated the number of skull I could get rid of before the end.


I underestimated how good geigerm is at Waterdeep. How could you complete so many more quests than us?

I don’t completely remember, but I think I had a decent number of small quests, so that helped with the total number of quests. I tried to play at least one intrigue card per round to get the extra action(s). And finishing the quest “get an extra 2 points every time you complete a Piety quest” early in the game helped me rack up points, for sure.

I also tend to stockpile quests and resources early and try not to draw attention to myself. I’m pretty sure neither of you threw a mandatory quest at me because you were battling each other for the early lead.


I just realized the Waterdeep tables have so far reported in exact reverse order… I guess that means Table 3 will finish next! (Or maybe it just means that I am bored waiting for the next event to start… :stuck_out_tongue: )

As predicted, table 3!

Hardco 134
@JammaTal 95
@HostileApostle 88

Good game all!

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