Stately Play Decathlon 2021

Well, I was really hoping for a “rock, paper, scissors” result at Table 1 but I blew the middle game with @irishdomer08 so final table results are:

@irishdomer08 3-2
@Hardco 2-2
@Codington 2-3

Hardco had the better win percentage and beat me by more than I beat Irish, so he takes second place no matter which tie breaker you choose.

Good start, gents! I hope to see you both again when I’ve risen through the ranks again. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Screenshot for completeness:

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Well played table 1

I think this is the only 2 player game in the decathlon, so I don’t think this will come up again, but this probably should have been worded clearer. It is possible to interpret this multiple ways.

Yes, I fumbled a bit on this 2 player game, starting with forgetting the best of 3 format!

I think there’s a way to do this that will help clarify tie breaks for the overall scoring too.

Here’s a better take on the 2 player game results:

  1. Matches will be best of 3 between each pair of players at the “table”.
  2. Final results at the table will be determined by number of wins.
  3. First tie break is who beat who.
  4. Second tie break is total score differential for all games (winning score minus losing score.)

So, at Table 1, the outcome is as stated above because Irish won more games and Hardco beat me head-to-head. (My mention of win percentage should be ignored!)

For the Decathlon as a whole the 5-3-1 scores for each table in each of the ten games may also result in ties.

Ties will be broken by

  1. Number of wins
  2. Who beat who the most

For the final results of the Decathlon, if neither of the above is sufficient, I’ll come up with another tie break that seems fair.

@doublebullout over @Mirefox 2-1

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Kennfusion over Schlotzky 2-0

GGs @Schlotzky

kennfusion over geigerm 2-0

GGs @geigerm

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Good games–wish I could say I made them close, but you stomped me pretty easily in both.

Same for me, gg @kennfusion, though they weren’t close.

@geigerm and I headed to game 3 now.

Hostile apostle over doublebullout 2-1

image0 image1

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You’re off to a great start there, Jim!

Table 7 results:
@HostileApostle 4-1
@doublebullout 3-3
@Mirefox 1-4

Thanks! I’ve only played Lords of Waterdeep once in person a few years ago, so the success may cease. Downloading the app now to practice up.

GG, @HostileApostle. I got behind too quickly and couldn’t shift to aggro fast enough both times. I had to scrap too many cards to come up with 35 damage in our last game, but it was the only shot I had. Well played!

GG man. You got me down pretty quickly that first game and I felt the same way as you in the last two.

@HostileApostle comes in new to the site and he’s going to win the whole decathlon at this rate!


geigerm over @Schlotzky 2 games to 1–good games!

Table 3 results:

@kennfusion 4-0
@geigerm 2-3
@Schlotzky 1-4

Our first perfect record! :smile:

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JMH.75 over @JHTaube: 2-1. Gg!

Table 4 @JMH7.5 defeats @JHTaube 2 games to 1.

Good games. Here are the screenshots for scoring:

Table 4. @JHTaube defeats @jason1002 2 games to 1
Good games!

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