Stately Play Decathlon 2019


Oof. Does anyone know if the new versions work async?

I think we’d have to consider taking those games out … even if the new versions work, how many people are willing to buy them?

How many people don’t have the old versions? If we all have them, it’s not an issue.

Agricola, no. I don’t even know why a new version exists. I could possibly be persuaded to buy Carc (in spite of my loathing for how Asmodee handles things) since it is at least a completely different version of the game and, theoretically, the future of Carcassonne.

@Codington I don’t own either of the new versions, but I do believe they are Asynchronous. They are Asmodee asynchronous, though, so who knows how well they work or what weird quirks they feature.

Thanks for the comments.

The problem with assuming we all have the old versions is that some devices auto-unload old apps and I’m not sure if that means the apps are gone for good for those folks.

Sadly, it is probably safest to remove these two games. I should still have enough info to figure out a top 9 though, so I’ll take another look at the list tonight or tomorrow morning.

it’s the digital implementation of the official Revised Boardgame Edition.
many card texts and values have been revised and updated.
it’s a kind of streamlined “best and proven” cards pool of all the (E,I,K,G) card packs.
and honestly there were some strange and probably unbalanced cards in those.
so i think it was a good and necessary step.

“Updated and streamlined for a new generation of players, Agricola, the award-winning and highly acclaimed game by Uwe Rosenberg, features a revised rulebook and gameplay.
The game features improved all-wood components and a card selection from the base game as well as its expansions, revised and updated for this edition.”

problem is that Hardco had reported some issues with the new version.
has it been fixed, @Hardco?
there was only one update since launch, 6 months ago.

I mean I don’t own Sagrada or Terraforming Mars, but will buy them for the Decathlon and hope I like them. At least buying Carc or Agricola again I know I like those games.

problems are:
the new Asmodee Carca app is definitely worse than the Coding Monkey edition.
and for Agricola Revised Edition we must be sure about issues Hardco had mentioned on SP.
(quote from a 1-star-rating in appstore “bugs without end”)


I have the original Carcassone, I think. Never bought Agricola.

I have one recurring game going in the new version, and I haven’t ran into any game-breaking bugs myself. There were reportedly a few card interactions that didn’t work right, but I haven’t seen them.

Asynchronous works just as well as the old version (especially since notifications started worked again a couple weeks ago, as they probably hadn’t paid Apple). My biggest problem playing the game is it is very easy to accidentally minimize the game trying to drag resources from the bottom of the screen. But I’ve gotten used to being careful about that and it hasn’t been as frustrating as it originally was.

But really, unless you are a die-hard Agricola fan that is willing to rebuy the game just for a little bit of variety after years of EIKG, I can’t really recommend everyone get it for the decathlon…

Ok, so if we remove those problematic new editions, here’s what the votes would say:

Star Realms
Through the Ages
Lords of Waterdeep
Race for the Galaxy
Castles of Burgundy
Terraforming Mars
Ticket to Ride

This seems like a pretty great list to me!

I’m happy to revisit Carcassonne and Agricola and the rest that didn’t make this list when we get to choose the 10th game later in the year.

Any strong objections?


I will buy and play whatever is decided upon!

And that list still looks amazing

just like @JaneHatke said: we could ask all players who want to play in the Decathlon:
anyone who does NOT OWN the old versions of Agricola and Carcassonne?

as we played both games in last Decathlon and as we don’t seem to have “new to the Decathlon” players on the list, it should be all ok :man_shrugging:

I suppose for me it boils down to not minding Brass and Ticket to Ride as additions rather than risk any disruption / confusion over Carcassonne and Agricola. Do I need to post another poll? :roll_eyes:

As for new players, it’s certainly possible once a separate thread is posted.

PSA: if, like me, you need to buy Terraforming Mars to play it in the decathlon, it’s currently on sale for $4.99.


That’s a nice list. Happy to buy TtA, CoB and TtR, as I like that the Decathlon obliges me to try new things. I also bounced hard off RftG last year to the point of conceding, but I’ll do better this year :blush: Personally I can live without Agricola or Carc (hate/love respectively) if it means something new comes in.


Done! Thanks for the heads up.

Agreed in that I enjoy being forced into a couple new games. I’ve never played CoB and am glad for a reason to purchase. If Brass makes the cut, I always want a reason to try and learn it - it is the one game that has never clicked for me.

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In the last Decathlon, Brass and Twilight Struggle were the two that I just did not get. Glad to see TS is out, and I will take a stab at Brass again, as it was definitely the lesser of two evils.