Stately Citizen Journalism

I’ve heard of this game but don’t know much about it. It has a trial period so i’ll give it a whirl.


It was my favourite game of all time when it released on steam a few years ago. I’m absolutely diving back into it for completionist sake on mobile.


Yeah, I had pre-bought it. I loved it on PC, but anything on the PC has to compete with so many other games if I am there, especially my love of ARPGs and how much I play Path of Exile. So I never got that far in it. Now on my iPad, it will get good airplane play time when I travel.


Fml, as if I needed another device with this game on it or another reason to procrastinate my paper due Friday.

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It’s got a pretty solid implementation on mobile. You can do drag or tap for card tiles and inventory items, and optional zoom in when placing tiles if you’ve got a smaller screen device. Otherwise exactly as good as I remember it on PC.

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I’ve never played it before and I haven’t bought the full game unlock yet; I’ll likely dive in deeper when I next travel. I’m just here to say that everything is perfectly legible on an iPhone. There is an option to enlarge text and where it continues to be small, you can always tap or hold to enlarge it.

The only niggle I have - and it’s just a tiny nitpick - but I don’t like when a game’s solution to the iPhone resolution is just to put bars on the side of the screen. Dicey Dungeons does the same. Oh well.

Does Loop Hero have iCloud backup?

Yup. Already bought lol. If it did portrait I’d never put it down.

Great game for sure. Perfect for mobile. Unsure on iCloud, I haven’t loaded it on my iPad yet

I answered my own question - Loop Hero has a file in my iCloud, so it seems progress is, indeed, saved.

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It is indeed–played on my iPad this morning, then verified on my phone that the save was there. I both love and hate this feature (because it’ll make the game harder to put down).

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$250 USD to someone who writes my Public Policy Process seven pager so I can play Loop Hero and watch a Yankees rerun

eta: due Friday lol


Self-control issues aside, I think it’s an essential feature for a game with progression.


Only one of those things seems like it’s worth your time, and it’s not the Yankees rerun.


That depends on which Yankees game it is.


Last night vs Baltimore

Probably one where they lose to the Cubs.



You’ll probably have more fun with Loop Hero.


Civ VI has been fixed for.the current iOS as of an update this week.


Hades II is out in Early Access.


Warbits+ is out now.

I haven’t played the original Warbits in some time but it was an entertaining Advance Wars-like game on iOS. This new version is a completely remade game for more modern devices but beyond that, I don’t know how much new content there is. I may take a stab at it at some point.

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