Stately Citizen Journalism

Hades available on iOS from Netflix.


GREAT game

Slice & Dice is out on Steam & iOSā€“$8.99 on both, but free to try on iOS with a full-game unlock IAP.


Thanks for ruining my work day!!!
Sorry not sorry.

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Unplayable with touch controls though!

Hey, if my productivity is disappearing, I might as well drag some of you down with me. :man_shrugging:


I like the free to try model. I wish more games did that and dropped any in-game currency nonsense (like Breach Wanderers).

I also like that the game plays in portrait as well. Thatā€™s the way we naturally hold our phones so Iā€™m always happy for portrait games.



Iā€™m playing since just 20 minutes but I can already see my productivity is destroyed.

It plays in portrait mode too!!! (Always a huge plus to me).

Oh nice to hear, it was definitely in landscape only before this 3.0 version. Guess I need to fire that up again now.

On holidays with family, thinking of getting the Civ 6 frontier pass ($30) and/or leaders pack ($20).

Seems expensive, does this stuff ever come on sale?

Not sure about on mobile, but you can check itā€™s price drops on SteamDB here:

Seems to drop to about 50% off or less every couple months.

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Slice and Dice is also on iOS - free with a pod unlock.

This is my holiday game! So many different modes etc, really enjoying it.

Totally reccomend the download and trial as a minimum

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Wildfrost is coming to mobile April 11:

Preregistration will open tomorrow. $6.99 premium title thatā€™s well worth it, IMO. Dropped off my Steam radar for a while as I moved on to other games, but itā€™s a very polished deck building roguelike in which character position on the board really matters. Itā€™ll be perfect on mobile and might even cut into my Slice & Dice time.

EDIT: Preorders are actually live now, and the gameā€™s free to try with an IAP to unlock.

Iā€™m struggling to enjoy the retro 16-bit style graphics in games like Slice & Dice or Luck Be A Landlord. I have always been a believer that gameplay is more important that graphics but this neo-retro style hasnā€™t been sitting well with me. I actually think it may be because my aging eyes struggle with the pixelization more than they used to, especially when it comes to some of the 16-bit text.

Edit: Probably should have posted this somewhere else, but Slice & Dice has been the recent talk here.

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I just played through a ā€œraidā€ in Slice and Dice.

So goodā€¦.


Stone Age is out now on iOS.


a demo of ā€œSongs of Silenceā€ is playable on Steam and GOG.
early access will start on 23rd of May.

the game is inspired by Master of Magic, Total War and Heroes of Might and Magic.
but a new card-driven mechanism for empire-building and conducting troops in battles.

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Itā€™s actually pretty good. Acram apps have been getting better with each release and this seems very polished. I havenā€™t played Stone Age for a long time - since the origin App dropped off the App Store and my library. Iā€™d forgotten how addictive the gameplay loop of set collection and maximising multipliers is combined with building a resource engine. 3 levels of AI - the easy is definitely that. The medium is a greater challenge and havenā€™t tried the hard yet. Presentation is good - the UI has a couple of little quirks but nothing game breaking all presented in a nice rustic autumn colour palette.


Is a Raid one of the locked mods?