Stately Citizen Journalism

On holidays with family, thinking of getting the Civ 6 frontier pass ($30) and/or leaders pack ($20).

Seems expensive, does this stuff ever come on sale?

Not sure about on mobile, but you can check it’s price drops on SteamDB here:

Seems to drop to about 50% off or less every couple months.

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Slice and Dice is also on iOS - free with a pod unlock.

This is my holiday game! So many different modes etc, really enjoying it.

Totally reccomend the download and trial as a minimum

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Wildfrost is coming to mobile April 11:

Preregistration will open tomorrow. $6.99 premium title that’s well worth it, IMO. Dropped off my Steam radar for a while as I moved on to other games, but it’s a very polished deck building roguelike in which character position on the board really matters. It’ll be perfect on mobile and might even cut into my Slice & Dice time.

EDIT: Preorders are actually live now, and the game’s free to try with an IAP to unlock.

I’m struggling to enjoy the retro 16-bit style graphics in games like Slice & Dice or Luck Be A Landlord. I have always been a believer that gameplay is more important that graphics but this neo-retro style hasn’t been sitting well with me. I actually think it may be because my aging eyes struggle with the pixelization more than they used to, especially when it comes to some of the 16-bit text.

Edit: Probably should have posted this somewhere else, but Slice & Dice has been the recent talk here.

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I just played through a “raid” in Slice and Dice.

So good….


Stone Age is out now on iOS.


a demo of “Songs of Silence” is playable on Steam and GOG.
early access will start on 23rd of May.

the game is inspired by Master of Magic, Total War and Heroes of Might and Magic.
but a new card-driven mechanism for empire-building and conducting troops in battles.

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It’s actually pretty good. Acram apps have been getting better with each release and this seems very polished. I haven’t played Stone Age for a long time - since the origin App dropped off the App Store and my library. I’d forgotten how addictive the gameplay loop of set collection and maximising multipliers is combined with building a resource engine. 3 levels of AI - the easy is definitely that. The medium is a greater challenge and haven’t tried the hard yet. Presentation is good - the UI has a couple of little quirks but nothing game breaking all presented in a nice rustic autumn colour palette.


Is a Raid one of the locked mods?

Sell it to me further. If I’ve already got Waterdeep, Raiders, and Agricola, what is Stone Age bringing to the table to set it apart enough to consider yet another light-mid weight worker placement?

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Yes, but a relatively early-unlocked one (“win 60 fights” achievement, I think). Raids are ten heroes rather than five, double the monsters, and only level-ups each fight, no items. I recommend taking AoE abilities when you can.

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Fair question. I also own the 3 games you mention (although I haven’t played Raiders for a while) and I think like many light-mid weight Euro’s there are commonalities beyond the base mechanism of send worker to slot on board and gain benefit of slot. Examples being the end round pressure of feeding the tribe (family), the culture card set collection (quest completion to match Lord’s alignment).

What IMHO is Stone Ages point of difference is the resource collection mechanism. Rather than being a constant it’s linked to a random dice roll. Each worker allocated to a resource collection space is represented by a die. Furthermore each resource has a different divisor ranging from Food = 2 to Gold = 6. So send 3 workers to collect food and roll 10 and get 5 food. Same workers, same roll with gold and receive 1 gold.

There are ways to mitigate the dice rolls and ease the burden of feeding the tribe by purchasing tools which allow a die rolled to be increased, increasing the number of tribespeople (dice) and growing fields to provide ongoing food so it’s not a total luck fest.

For me it’s that element of chance on each resource hunt (and throwing dice) that keeps the game engaging. There’s also a nice tension with having to be mindful of securing the points from the limited houses (victory point cows) available in the game.

At the end of the day though - yes it is in that light-medium game space. Compared to Dune Imperium it’s only ever going to be more of a filler. In some ways it is a shame it published when it did so close on the heels of DI.


Thanks! Just found it in the cool modes folder along with another couple. Must have missed the notification when I unlocked it.

Goddammit 353 again. This is the third time. I’m going to delete this damn game as soon as I score 354+.


361 here and all the achievements except winning three hard in a row. I’ve gotten 2 but then the game turns on me.


In two pieces of news from Toucharcade, it seems Mi-Clos of Out There fame has shuttered their doors.

And, “highly regarded” Howl is out on iOS and Android; free to try with an IAP for full unlock. Never played it but downloaded and will give it a try.


Huh. I was about to mention Sigma Theory never releasing for iOS - I mentioned it in the vapourware thread in January 2020 - but it turns out it released last year. Ok, bought it finally, before it gets pulled. @OhBollox was generally enthusiastic about the PC release in May of that year, according to a forum search. Well, let’s see how it holds up.


Completely unrelated to any of this news I actually bought Sigma Theory on iOS about a month ago and it’s sitting in my “learn to play” folder. Planing on giving it a go on an upcoming trip. It looks solid.

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Sigma Theory is on a notable discount on GOG: