[Sign-up] Lords of Waterdeep Tournament - anyone interested?

Hi, after reading this I decided to ask if there is some interest over here for a LoW tournament.

If yes please post:

  • Your playdek username
  • Your challonge username (if you have one)
  • Your desired setting (Vanilla Game or with the Skullport and/or Undermountain Expansions enabled (or both))

For the record - I am now commencing the beating of a dead horse:
I (really) HATE Skullport’s Corruption mechanic!

I am thinking of a (single?) elimination tournament with 3 Players per match.

Registration open until Friday afternoon 23/06/2017. The timer for the matches will be set to 21 (28?) days so expect the (whole) Tournament to last until end of August or so.

(edit) realised I’m not going to be home much for the next two weeks, so I’m scrapping my entry to not slow everyone else down or potentially timeout.

I have not played this in a while, so sure.

kennfusion everywhere
any or all expansions

Should have specified the timeframe a bit:

Registration open until Friday afternoon 23/06/2017. The timer for the matches will be set to 21 (28?) days so expect the (whole) Tournament to last until end of August or so.

I’ll play.

KYakerDude on both.
I like the Undermountain Expansion. I don’t have Skullport.

Always up for LoW!

Playdek: mgeiger9
Challonge: geigerm
No expansion preference … but if we do play Skullport, let’s account for the Xanathar somehow.

Cool. I’ve been laying off of LoW for a while so it’s time to rotate it back in.

Playdek/challonge: JHTaube
Any expansions.

Sure why not…
hardco everywhere
I’ll play any expansions, but my preference would probably be vanilla.

Yup I’ll do it.

Saviodo everywhere.

I’ll take any expansions but I do prefer the expansions.

I would like to join

Playdek: ids
Challonge: ids64
i prefer all expansions but will play any combination


JammaTal on Playdek and Challonge.
ready for all expansions.
would prefer basic game + Undermountain.

Whovian223 on both.

Open for all expansions, but would like at least one (since some people hate the corruption, I guess Undermountain)

I’m in if there’s room. Prefer base + both expansions. But willing to play vanilla or with just one expansion.

Playdek = daveseidner

Is this one of the games thats getting culled by ios 11? Some of us are going to be stuck on 32 bit when that happens

Id like to play, and can buy either expansion as neccesary

Playdek has said it will be getting an update.

I’d love to play.

mhatke @ playdek

irishdomer08 @ challonge

I’ll play.
JaneHatke- Playdek and Challonge

Thanks for organizing.

I’ll play, can do any expansion but I also dislike Skullport.

SleepingGiant on PlayDek
Sleeping_Giant on challonge

I’m in.

Me too if you please …

Playdek & Challoge: robthomasson
Expansions: Any or none.