I had already done a bunch of this for another forum, just need to add a few things here to recap my year in gaming:
STEAM New Purchases
February - X-Com 2 - 127 hours played. Heavy play at first, with some sporadic play over the summer.
March - Beyond Earth/Rising Tide - I think I only played one game with the expansion. And I only have 47 hours total with BE.
March - Stardew Valley - 10 hours played - I actually really like this game. I played 10 hours the first day and then decided to wait for it to get out of Early Access…and then just have not been able to get myself to start over again now. But I will eventually.
March - Lords of Xulima - 19 hours played - I could have finished this, except that I could see at the point where I was that it was just going to be a long stretch of loading saved games from RNG mishaps. I wanted to really like this, but could not.
April - Smite - 87 hours played - When the Overwatch open beta closed, I was looking for something interesting and new and free and fps (I mostly play strategy games, and Overwatch was the first fps to get my attention. I tried Smite on a whim, and ended up really liking the Arena mode on the game, bought the unlimited god pack on sale and generally like that one mode. Now, I mostly just go try out new Gods when they are released for an hour or so.
May - Blueprint Tycoon - 4.5 hours. It was ok, but I realized quickly I should have just bought Factorio.
May - Factorio - 31 hours. Despite my self-rule to not buy Early Access games…this was the 2nd I had purchased at that point. And it’s a great game. I intend to go back and play it more when it gets out of EA.
May - Blood Bowl 2 - 27 hours played - I have a confession to make, I have a Mac (don’t hate). I do have Win 10 on boot camp though so play everything I want (like Overwatch, the first Blizzard game not on a Mac OS). But I like to support Mac development/ports, and I had Chaos Edition on the PC side, but decided to buy BB2 when they ported it to OSX. BB is one of my all time favorite games, tabletop and digital, so I am a little biased and play this off and on all the time.
August - Rimworld - 186 hours played - Damn is this a good game. Best Early Access dollars I have ever spent.
September - Rocket League + Steam Controller - 2 hours played. Boy do I suck at that game. I know I just need to practice more, and I keep promising myself I will…eventually…maybe in 2017?
September - Paladins - 8 hours - They had a package like the Smite one where you get all heroes past present and future for like $13. The game still needs a lot of work/balance, but I am sure I will appreciate buying that package some day.
October - Civilization VI - 219 hours played - I actually waited for Aspyr to put out the Mac port before buying it, but mostly because I was playing a lot of Overwatch still.
December - Undertale - 2.5 hours - My 15yo niece talked me into this. Its ok. I lost my game save for some reason though and have not been motivated to start over again yet.
December - Age of Wonders 3 - 25 hours - Steam Sale + been on my wish list forever…It’s not a bad game, I played 25 hours of it already, but it’s not what I want it to be. I want it to be more Civ-like and less fast paced/aggressive. (although in the /r/4Xgaming sub, someone recently suggested some customization I should try to get it closer, so I will try those.
December - Endless Legend - 14 hours - Another Steam Sale wish list purchase. The opposite of AOW3, everything is great except for combat. Wish I could take the units/combat of AOW3 and put them into Endless Legend.
December - Renowned Explorers: International Society - This is like a mashup of FTL and a TBS game. I really kind of like it. It was a end of the year, Steam sale purchase that I am quite happy with.
STEAM Older Content Played
Shroud of the Avatar - I was a kickstarter on this Richard Garriott - UO Revival. I probably put about 20 hours into it this year to try it out once it got to a point where there will be no more server wipes. It’s ummm…not that good in its current state.
Cities Skylines - I liked the Night/Entertainment expansion and was still playing this off and on this year. I never bothered to pick up the snow or the new disaster expansions yet, but probably will some day when they are like $1 each. This is a good go back to, and start a new city game just whenever.
Blizzard Entertainment
Heroes of the Storm - I play this game, co-op vs AI almost every day to clear a daily quest. That is about all I do with this game. I wish there was more PvE content in this game. I am just not twitchy enough to play against people. But I like the game.
Overwatch - I don’t have any idea how many hours I have played, but I am almost level 200. So probably a lot. I have never been any good at FPS games, but I do ok in this one, and really enjoy it.
WoW Special Mention - 2016 was the first year since WoW was released that I did not have a subscription for an entire year. I did not play it at all…so that is notable in itself.
Star Realms - Most of my iPad play this year.
Gems of War - I kind of play it still? Mostly when they do something new I get into it for a couple weeks.
Township - Just a silly time wasting farm type game.
I Keep Having This Dream - i have played almost nothing else on my iPhone for a year now.
Special Mention
FTL - I own on both my iPad and Steam, and have played on and off during the year…badly…but I pick it up from time to time.