Review: Meteorfall

I’m starting to think you need to either do it on your companion or archery but not both…

Tight pet deck. First win with new toon. Now to try with bow deck.


Does anyone have any ideas what my hidden achievement might be? I’ve beaten the game with all the characters other than Varfa and I’ve beaten the first tier of the harder difficulty (I assume there are more since my bottle cap says “1”).

Also, since I am achievement hunting, does anyone have any advice for the 20+ cards achievement? I was thinking Mischief might work with a lot of stabs, but I’m not sure…

I may only be taking to myself, but I’ve figured out my missing achievement: if you play as Varfu and sell your pet you get a card called Lone Ranger. You need to beat the game with that card in your deck. I have no idea how to do it as it is proving quite difficult.


Yeah, that seems crazy hard.

For what it’s worth, I finally accomplished it, mainly by stacking bleed abilities and peppering in the ability that heals based on bleed stacks.


FWIW I bought the game today on the basis of this thread, and oh dear, where did the time go. If I’m talking to myself in this thread in 6 months, this is when it started.


If this is the Phat Deck achievement, I’ve just managed it with Bruno with lots of Gut Punches and green cards that give 1 hourglass.

What I don’t see yet is how to scrap down to a 4 card deck…

I found the 4 card deck super easy with Mischief. I did manage to get Phat Deck using Boris (Bruno’s alt). Basically, I just bought a ton of armor and built it up over a few rounds then destroyed the enemy with Belly Flop.

I’ve managed all achievement but I haven’t played past level 1 on any character yet.

Edit: I think it was 2 Stabs, 1 Eviscerate, 1 Vagabond Boots

Overkill, maybe?