Red Planet Blues: a Terraforming Mars tournament

card #002 Asteroid Mining Consortium (“decrease any titanium production by 1 step and increase your own by 1 step”) was played twice against me, in two different turns, driving me into -1 titanium production?!
but it is only listed once in “cards played”?!
AMC and Vesta Shipyard were the only Jovian Tag cards played by @Schlotzky, and two Jovian Tags are listed for him.
but shouldn’t it be 3 Tags when the AMC was played twice?

this must be a bug, right? no copy card or something like this listed in “cards played” either. and no action like this in the LOG.

AMC was played together with Space Elevator action, next turn Electro Catapult and Vesta Shipyard were played, and one turn later AMC was played again, at the end of generation 4, but is not listed where it should be this time (?).

Asteroid Mining Consortium is no action card.

That’s interesting, when I played it (I guess?) the second time I thought it was odd that it was still in my hand. I had assumed I misremembered and didn’t in fact play it the first time, but maybe I did.

Also, I know when I played it the second time, your production was at 1, not zero. Because I was checking each round waiting for one of you to have production before I played it.

So yeah maybe something buggy going on. Not sure how to fix at this point but happy to spot you as many VP as is reasonable.

it hurts to have stumbled upon another bug in TfM after all these patches :face_with_head_bandage:
guess my titanium stock will melt away now with -1 “production”/reduction.

i hoped you might have applied some kind of crazy action like “Robotic Workforce” or so or we could find any reasonable causality.
seems like it’s time for one more “contact support” action :((

It has to be a bug. I can’t think of anything that lets you play a card twice. Also you need to have a positive titanium production to be be the target of that card. There’s no way it can reduce you to a negative. There’s not even a slot for negative production on the player mats at the table

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@whovian223 @HolstenKnight Looks like we are on the final plant production phase. Whoever gets to see the scores please remember to take a screenshot as the other players won’t be able to see the scores.

I don’t know if the last player will be whovian (the only player who can lay greenery) or me as I’m in last place. I’ve @ Holsten as well just in case

It went to @HolstenKnight after I did my greenery, so I assume you will be the one to see the final score as you are last.

@JammaTal heads up, looks like we’re on plant conversion as well. @OhBollox and I look like we’ll be skipped so you’ll have the last turn I think.


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@HolstenKnight : 85
Snotty128: 82
@whovian223 : 63

Gg all! Great finish. I was amused when I saw Whovian223 had sniped the thermalist award from under my nose, I wasn’t so amused when I saw it might have cost me the win, as that would have sent us to a tie break.

Looking forward to more high level competition in the rest of the tourney!


Ugh, I played horribly. But GG to both of you!

Tables reported in so far

Table A

Player Corp Score
robthomasson Ecoline 109
JMH.75 Tharsis 94
Jason1002 Helion 73

Table C

Player Corp Score
SpiceTheCat Cheung Sing 99
Irishdomer08 Phobolog 86
Mirefox Inventrix 60

Table E

Player Corp Score
Hardco Cheung Sing 108
Caradog Vitor 86
js619 Helion 76

Table D

Player Corp Score
HolstenKnight Tharsis 85
Snotty128 Helion 82
whovian223 Mining Guild 63

On the basis of this tiny sample, Cheung Sing doing well and Helion is difficult (my opinion too).

Edit: update to include the results from cursed Table F, which ran into both the scoreboard design failure and an apparent bug.

Table F

Player Corp Score
Schlotzky Phobolog 86
JammaTal Inventrix 84
OhBollox Vitor 70
kennfusion - 60*

Looking at the scores so far, there’s a chance of ties on points and VPs. To decide the tables in rounds 2-4, if that happens I’ll break ties on head-to-head results, and otherwise randomise the order. I will exercise a bit of discretion to when breaking ties to juggle the order to minimise the number of repeat match-ups as far as possible.

In the final placing, I’ll break ties on head-to-head results. If that doesn’t break the tie, then the placing spot is shared.

Edit 2: results of Table B added.

Table B

Player Corp Score
Baelnor Mining Guild 100
Zebracadabra Tharsis 90
JaneHatke Interplanetary Cinematics 53

Edit 3: to clarify the tie-break rules.

I think our table should be in the last generation, unless it magically doesn’t heat up!

Turns out I had to log back on after all just for it to skip me. Final results:

Gg @JammaTal @OhBollox


Was great fun, my first match ever in tfm. Thanks a lot for the close and fun game!
Ofc @JammaTal gave me a quick howto (thanks a lot Je’daii-master).

I do like the game, i just don‘t like to play it on PC. No notifications, I do not turn it on that often… and if, I work. Maybe I will buy it on Ipad as well

@JaneHatke you are up. I think you are down to only 3D left, so will ping you a bit more so you don’t time out!

We are in Gen 11 needing only one boost in temp to end, so sometime in the next few days, I suspect.

Finally! After 11 gens. My best score in the probably 4-5 games I’ve played, so I’m happy.

Grats to the winner and GG all!


Good game! Was actually closer than those final scores suggested.

@Zebracadabra left an open city spot with three greenery connected which is snuck a standard project city into. That was at least a 6 point swing as well as some intense competition for city placement.

Great fun!

Yup. As soon as I saw it I had a Homer Simpson moment - “Doh!”

Good game! Congrats, Baelnor!

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