if only we could name the games we create, but no.
someone else should create the game this time to avoid the confusion with multiple Jammatal’s games.
Bought prelude and attempted to set up a game, @JammaTal and @OhBollox take a look and make sure I’ve got the settings correct.
Looks good.
We are near the end of our last generation so be ready to grab a picture of the scores. I believe it will be your responsibility, @SpiceTheCat, but head’s up to everyone.
Into the final greenery planting round and you’re the only one with plants. You might see the scoreboard - I can’t remember whether TfM will force @irishdomer08 and me to log in to do nothing in this round.
Take a screenshot before it ends anyway, that way you can extrapolate the winner if there’s no final screen?
Sadly it will. But if you left the game open (did not quit to Main Menu or force close the app and you were not logged out by say an app update) then you are logged in and the app will move past you and on to the next player without raising a notification.
So … if you are the last player and leave the game active and have no plant conversion and then do get logged out for some reason … will you see the final score when you next login? Is the game alive or dead? Is this Schrödinger’s App?
Ah, in such a case the previous player that logged in or converted would see the final score. They do their thing, the app moves straight past the “player that left the game active and has no conversion” and then the app does the score reveal. The app behaviour is consistent but undesirable and unsettling.
Conclusion … at the end, don’t leave the app until you see it either stop at the next player or give the final score …
It did, indeed, move on after I planted to @SpiceTheCat is on score duty.
This was a rough one for me. I had no particular strengths, no engine to speak of, and just kept drawing cards that I didn’t keep.
Yeah, that TR was really high the whole game. I was Searching for Life in vain and covering his scores…
you need screenshots of all player boards (VPs!) and of milestones and awards too.
Anyone else have troubles connecting in with game centre?
I don’t think Terraforming Mara has ever connected to Game Center for me…
something went the hardco-way in milestones and awards
Yeah, I thought my 25VPs in milestones & awards was good …
I didn’t do anything special, they let me do it (for milestones at least)!
Tbf I was very happy with that for a first game . I was never in a position to claim milestones through the cards I’d bought and only cottoned on to the standard projects later on in the game. Also didn’t realise that we could only buy three of each of the milestones and awards