"Potion of Stately Players' Joy" Challenge for 1on1 Potion Explosion

yeah, great game. grats!
my biker gone with the wind now :cry:
at least it was close.
and i will return with a new fighting spirit icon soon enough :aries:

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::microscope::microscope::bacon::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: - MisterMentat

Challenger List:- Your Name Here -

I just found out about Stately Play. It seems all the personalities I recognized from PT moved here. (I went by IronKraken, but I doubt anyone remembers me!)

holy makerel! of course i do! welcome, old IronKraken!
we played a lot of games together.
great to have you back with us :grin:

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::microscope::microscope::bacon::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: - MisterMentat

Challenger List:- JHTaube-

Of course I remember the Iron Kraken. Along with Mr. Black Fire, your forum name frightened our competitors during inter-site tournaments.

This match against @MisterMentat may take some time. I’m having all kinds of problems with PotionExplosion. It has problems with connecting. It has forgotten my turn (I’ve taken it twice so far) and crashed several times. I think it is the latest update.

It crashed on me once, but I was able to get it going after that. Sorry to hear about your troubles. I’ll just keep practicing against the AI while I wait to take you down!

@KYakerDude any luck getting it to work? I’m fine with restarting the game if you think it will help.

Just sent you a new game.

They’re both working for me now. Which one do we use? There are no identifiying markers.

Edit: Scratch that, the first one keeps bugging out. It takes me back to the end of my turn and then just asks me to put them in my pool and select a new potion over and over.

Nice game MisterMentat. You were catching up, but the end came too soon.

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::microscope::microscope::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: @JHTaube

Challenger List:

  • Your name here -
1 Like

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::microscope::microscope::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: @JHTaube

Challenger List:
JammaTal :aries:

I would have had you too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!

But seriously, I misclicked the grab two adjacent different colors and had to burn the four from the bottom potion too. This game needs an undo an action in progress button!

Good game though, I have a feeling your steal my pool shenanigans would have been too much for me anyway.

Nice game JHTaube!

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::microscope::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: @JammaTal :aries:

Challenger List: - Your Name here -

Great game JammaTal! Very close up to the very end.

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: - Your Name here -

Challenger List: - Your Name here -

congrats KYaker! your grip on that :alembic: is very firm indeed! :clap:
yes, an enjoyable good game with decent high scores.

only two more wins to go for the perfect surfer line :open_mouth:
the challenge will be finished then and the trophy will be yours.
maybe a new tourney when done?

If I manage to sweep this challenge a new tourney sounds good.

I’ll challenge

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: - Dave -

Challenger List: - Dave -

I’ll challenge the winner.

(is this all I need do?)

Hi Bill, you must copy & paste the list and add yourself.
my pleasure to do it for you :blush:

Icon list: :alembic::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer::surfer: :bacon::microscope::surfer::surfer:

Challenger: Dave

Challenger List: