Neuroshima Hex players wanted

I deleted some stuck games the other day, but I should have invited to a new one.
The bug is really annoying…must be a server side thing because I can’t find a pattern.
Some games are flawless from start to finish, even during multiple weeks, where some other games get stuck at any point (I had games stuck at the very end and games stuck at first move).
Hopefully they will patch it soon.

I reported several of these ‘it’s your turn but it’s not’ bugs already…I’m not a discord type but I’ll join there too to further report or at least to have some feedback.

sorry to say that there is (surprisingly) nearly no feedback :flushed:
most posts you’ll find in the neuroshima-hex-app channel are from me.
no Portal official and no admin ever answered to me.
only reaction was to advise me to report on
and not on Discord.

on Portal’s Discord (and on their FB too btw) it seems as if there were no problem at all.
they are talking about which armies should come out next, and that’s pretty much it.
i think most NH online games are played in real-time. and the bug seems only a problem in async games. so most players won’t even notice that there is a bug.
and Portal…doesn’t want to know either :man_shrugging:

they were busy installing notifications. the bug is unattended for 2 weeks now.

I haven’t coded anything since my TI-85 graphing calculator decades ago, but I find it absolutely mind boggling that developers can’t seem to do this right. And it isn’t just Portal. I know Apple has a habit of changing things up a bit, but that still doesn’t excuse the fact that Pladek showed the world how to do asynchronous multiplayer perfectly nearly a decade ago and I don’t think I can name two developers other than them that can figure it out now. It is complete regression. Even the reliable developers du jour like Acram (multiple notifications, notifications on others’s turns, no notification sounds) or Dire Wolf (no notification sounds) still can’t give us the complete package. And this is Portal that we are talking about here, not some 1-man operation trying this out for the first time.

It’s sad that when I’m anticipating a new Switch game my sole thought is “I hope the game is good” but when I hear about an upcoming iOS game I think “I hope the game works.”

And yes, I do think Apple is partially to blame. I read a report (sorry, I don’t have the source off the top of my head) that Apple made more game revenue that Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft combined last year. Yet Apple doesn’t take their own App Store seriously and we have to slog through the biggest digital cesspool in all of media to filter out the janky garbage or f2p nonsense to even find a good game.

But issues with Apple don’t let developers off the hook, in my opinion, especially considering that we have a small few who continue to get it right.


Yeah, I got that invite and we’re in the game now. I didn’t realize that ours had stopped working.

I am …

… wait for it …


Also: terrible at the game. But accepting all invites.

we have an update!
version 4.09 is out.
it doesn’t repair frozen games but destroys all running games instead.
(“The game was created with an older version of the application and can’t be continued.”)

but will it prevent that games get stuck in first place?
we will see.

‘Misleading your turn fixed’ gives me hope.

I deleted a bunch of games and re invited the ones I remembered. Feel free to invite me!!!

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I know that one sec after I’ll post this all my games will be bugged but……so far so good!!!

Game is much faster, and I was able to play a ton of turns with many of you.
Notifications are much more consistent now…before the update I mostly received them in batches every 4-6 hours or so, now they seem really real time.

If everything holds up it may be my new favorite async game, and I’m looking forward new armies (so I can suck even more).

If they manage to add badges, it may be close to perfection.

EDIT: I think I played more turns (10 games going on) today only than since I first bought the app. Pretty awesome.

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Random thought: the NH lobby is, frankly, pretty dead.

I’ll bet that if we just hung out there, we’d be matched with each other like at least half the time. As opposed to formally setting up a game.

I hope it’s not a bad sign, is my other thought. I can’t even get a match going today, despite waiting in the lobby for 2-3 minutes at a time.

the game had been unplayable for nearly two weeks before the update came out.
so i’m not astonished that there wasn’t much activity left in the end.
let’s hope players will come back now.
but i’m not much interested in lobby games with randoms anyways.
when things weren’t running their way many players quit and deleted the game.
always the same old story when playing vs random online opponents…

btw my 7 new 4.09 games are all running fast and furious. two are nearly finished.
definitely an improvement.

we could even start to discuss league or tournament play.

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I have 10 games going on and I received notifications all day long.
So far so good…actually I must say I’m impressed.
The devs aren’t the most talkative, but it seems they fixed everything.

I’ll play for some other days and if, like I hope, everything continues to be this smooth, I’ll submit request for badges, a better games ordering in the MP sections (like, awaiting your turn on top) and possibly a ‘next game’ button.
But tbh I’m pretty happy now and I can’t think of other improvements.

Must also say that now that the game flows so smoothly with back and forth with opponents/friends…game is not only awesome, accessible and deep, but incredibly suited to async. You have a clear situation with just a glance and taking your turn is fast.


quoting Dave Perkins from
“best 2P game ever!”

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I did actually found a (very minor) bug.
Every day since the update, at EXACTELY 13.00 CET, I receive a bunch of ‘you have unfinished games’ notification.
I do not have actual turns to take tough…so I’m not sure it’s the intended behavior.
Unless they went from no notification at all to ‘we really want you to know you’re playing NHEX’ stance.

not a bug. just a liitle tap on the shoulder. i guess the nudge can’t be limited to players only who’s turn it really is.
can be useful for those. i sometimes get the impression that players forget about their games.

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sorry to spoil the party but one of my running games just broke down.

so THE bug isn’t totally gone, only doesn’t happen so often now :sweat:
that hurts a lot.

What’s the bug, @JammaTal? Is it that neither player can take a turn?

have posted screenshots on the Discord SP/NHex channel.

yes, it’s exactly that.
i got the notification for our game: “Player TheDukester is waitung for Your move.”
the green dot was on my side. so far so good.
but when going inside it showed “Please wait…” and no activity on your side.
no tile discarded, no tiles placed.
and i chouldn’t do anything at all.
back to the online menu the green dot was still on me.

before the last update this kept happening in all my 9 games sooner or later.
now i could finish 4 games, and all others ran smoothly.
but in our game the bug raised his ugly head again.

Holsten-Knight told me that he got an “out of sync” error message in one of his games. then the game tried to fix the sync error, displaying a loading bar for some time. and it succeeded! game could go on.


By any chance, is anyone of you playing on multiple devices?
At first I thought the bug raised its head when I played some turns on iPhone and some turns on iPad.
Since last update I used just my iPhone and all games are running smoothly, was able to complete and restart several go them…while before the update I couldn’t complete ANY game whatsoever.

so true. before the update the game was unplayable.
it’s so much better now, but i was terrified to have to see that the bug is still hanging around in the shadows.
have already sent a bug report email to

and no, didn’t change the device. iPad only.

I‘d like to register to play against you fellow humans, but there’s an interesting counting problem:

So far so easy, but

Oh well. It’s also not that 11 characters is too long. Anyone else encountered this little wrinkle?