Looking for Small World Players

I cannot be sure. We didn’t play a second game (send more invites) to test it out.

I “feel” like it should be one time only, some sort of account revival/rest as you say … but the path of joining can be hard to fully discern through the mists of the ethereal labyrinth. Or something.

Thanks for the help, @JammaTal and @robthomasson. After the other four players each invited me to a 2P game (without me accepting those invites), I created a 5P game that everyone was then able to join. After that game started automatically, I then declined the invitations to the 2P games.

hooray! admiring your endurance!

asmodee and async…a neverending sad story of incompetence, ignorance and lack of understanding.

newest chapter: Terraforming Mars (v 1.1368)
a public game can only be started when all players are online.
then it transforms into true async.
when a player forfeits or his timer runs out A.I. takes command.
but when only one human player is left he is not allowed to finish the game vs A.I.
game disappears instantly.

in private games we get notifications which don’t tell us for which game they are, and in “resume” we can’t see in which game it’s our turn.

good grief, asmod’oh!

Cursed is an interesting “power”. Who’s going to take the 15 gold and accept being stuck with 5 leprechauns and their “attack me!” pot of gold talent? :smiley:

If you all play another game after this one I’d be interested

@Hardco is up!

@kennfusion’s turn! Though I think @SpiceTheCat has already won!

I’m your huckleberry!

@Hardco is now on the clock!

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@Hardco is up.

As the current game is in the last round, would anyone like a rematch?

It is actually a good game, shonky multiplayer aside…

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I’m in, but Lord Gek says he’s out, due to lack of iOS notifications (I use the Steam version for notifications).

I am in.

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I’d play

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I demand a recount!

Well played, @SpiceTheCat!


Next game:

  1. Mysterio
  2. @SpiceTheCat
  3. @kennfusion
  4. @irishdomer08
  5. Perhaps you?

Do we have a 5th? Don’t be shy!

Good game all. Well played @Mysterio! I like the stats screen, which is new since I last played … yeah. Clearly I chose my preferred victim correctly.

I’ll play

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What’s your handle for Small World 2? Mine’s LivinItUp.

I am IrishDomer08 in SW2


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