Looking For Games And Tournaments

No badges, only in Notification Center (iOS)

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Oh, the agony of bad dice rolls!

@JMH.75 You’re up in the 4 player game with about 6 hours left.

@Blackfyre you are up, 12 hours left

@Baelnor you are going to time out in 5 hours

Got it, thanks!

@Baelnor - 7 hour warning

I have to say that the app is pretty nice. It took me a couple turns to remember how to play but everything is pretty easy to read and understand. UI is clean and gameplay is smooth. I wish there were icon badges but that’s my only complaint so far.

Great game! I do like this game….


GG - that was the first time I have played - I really like how easy it is post game to see how you both scored.

The other game finished, too. I didn’t screen shot it. It was fun. I made some dumb moves at the start as I was re-learning the game and figuring out the UI. It’s a good app.

I’d be up for another.

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Anyone for more Roll Player?


sure, I have one whole game complete, I should probably play some more

Ok. I’m going out for a bit this afternoon and will check back in to see if we have any other takers. I don’t want to set up a game with too many or too few players, so I’ll just get it going later. Check back in for the game code.

I’d play again.

3-player game created.

Code: qboknd


Talk about a close game. Not sure what tie breaker criteria is.


Wow, close, indeed! The tie breakers are 1) most gold, then 2) fewest number of class dice, then 3) shared victory.

You won with 4 gold to my 1.


Hi all,

Thinking about hosting a root tournament. Idea would be as follows;

  1. Depending on players, split into pods of 3 or 4.
  2. Each pod will play two games
  3. Use RNG to give each pod player a number - denoting who chooses race first. Reverse the order for game 2.
  4. Four players from the pods advance to a final table of top 4. To advance it is based on;
  • game wins
  • total vp
  1. Final table repeats the above process, winner being the person with the most game wins, total vp being the tiebreaker.

Could work with anywhere from 6 to 12 players.

Would need access to all races I think? (Anyone know?)

Anyone interested?

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I would love to play, but I am only familiar with the basic factions, although I own them all.

A wish, if allowed, would be to stick to the basic factions for a first tournament, then, if continued interest, we could expand to the other factions. It would depend I think on how many would like to participate who are more experienced with the game.

Anyway, I’m good with all decision in that regard.

Thanks for organizing @Baelnor