[quote=“JammaTal, post:17, topic:1477, full:true”]
not really. isn’t it the same in Gems of War, when concentrating all efforts on traiting a new legendary by all means?[/quote]
I don’t remember what it’s like to pull a troop worth traiting in GoW–haven’t done that in ages. 
I suppose you’re right, though. The barrier to entry is pretty low, but, at some point, there’s got to be some challenge to leveling troops up to force you to make some tough decisions.
@Tigana made a good point–the game is a complete battery hog. That’s my only complaint at the moment.
EDIT: A question about idols–how worthwhile are they? I just reached level 11 and have the ability to unlock the common Vidar idol, but I’m wondering if I should save the crafting material for something better once I get a better mold to work with.