Felt like a tight game right to the end. Given comments above, interesting that the open lord card didn’t help @geigerm. Not sure if that was just because we didn’t have much in the way of mandatory quests anyway or were just able to block off the supply of black cubes to stymie you…
No idea how much Open Lord helped—obviously it just didn’t help enough! I was sitting on a couple of 20 or 25 point quests I just couldn’t finish. I feel like LoW without Skullport depends a bit on owning buildings that will bring in necessary cubes for free, and I didn’t have enough of those. And nobody got too many extra actions. There might have been one round where one of us occupied two spots in the harbor, but most rounds we each took one spot. Just a really good game all around!
Yeah, I gambled early on being able to keep a steady supply of intrigue cards with both the quest card that gave me one any time I took an action that got me a purple and the building that gave me one as owner, with the plan of ourplaying those with at least 2 every turn in the harbor, and then you both were able to keep up with taking harbor spots, so it did not pan out. Was a good game all around.
Yeah, the Open Lord card is only OP if the other two players are forced to play Mandatory Quests on each other - otherwise, revealing your secret objective can be a weakness. It’s really in a 2P that Open Lord is a game breaker, because Mandatory Quests become unplayable by one player.
I’m curious what the latest thoughts on Terraforming Mars are - I think we’ve been avoiding it because app updates tend to break games but can’t remember…
I have recently stated that once my games finish I think I am done with Terraforming Mars. Every single update breaks all existing games, you still can’t see the final scores unless the last person to play screenshots and shares, the app frequently logs you out for no reason and you won’t receive notifications, and sometimes the game just breaks. And all of this is after their supposed “2.0” release, which didn’t seem to change much.
Games can work, but you also play at your own risk.
I just played a game with no problem until the very end, and I seem to think that was something different. But good question, it could be risky. We can see how the next round in the TFM ladder goes.
Interesting choice. Hm hm. I do actually have all of them, unusually.
You know, it’s far too long since I played Brass. Even though @Caradog tended to win when we’ve played, Brass it isˋ
And the arena will be Brass - @Hardco will be your third, so please send a challenge to @Caradog and @Hardco and let me know once the game has begun.
Is Brass working for anyone? I seem to be hanging at “Connecting”.
Same, unfortunately
Oh dammit. So Brass has succumbed to bit rot?
Ok, let’s play something functional. @kennfusion - I’ll change my challenge to Castles of Burgundy.
Invites sent, and picked my castle.
Bwhaha. Good game
Terrible game for me! My favorite stat on BGA implementation is the “number of doubles rolled”. I’d have liked to have seen that for this game…
Congrats to Caradog II on retaining the throne.
Fun Fact, Castles of Burgundy have been selected as the challenge game 4 times in our league, and the King has been victorious in defending the crown all 4 times.
@Mirefox will be the next challenger up. Please select a game from @Caradog’s list:
Le Havre
Lords of Waterdeep
Castles of Burgandy
I would have picked Brass but it isn’t working, correct? How is Wingspan right now? Is challenge in that if there are no issues.