Istanbul: Digital Edition First Ever Not-So-Annual Online Tournament

didn’t know that :thinking:
and did not pay attention to that small detail :roll_eyes:
thx for the enlightenment :expressionless:

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Find solace in the fact that I discovered the same thing only during the tournament :stuck_out_tongue: Really helpful (to me) to :smiley:


Alright, Second Round has finished 2 days ago, but we have finally counted everything up and added it to THE SPREADSHEET OF AWESOME. So yeah, going great, guys! We will be sending out Round 3 matching later this week :slight_smile:

P.S. We have analyzed some things from the First Round data, and BY FAR the most important one is that the yellow guy won most often!


I feel like that’s more or less a given.

(I play yellow)


Me too…

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Sooo… which is better to pick up as a second scram game; 8 minute or steam? (Any in our decathalon?)

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As much as I’d love to help, I think it’s against everything reasonable for me to pick one :F

Steam is a classic with more depth. 8ME is fun, but it can’t be called anything more than a filler. I have yet to play a game where it didn’t feel over too quickly. I prefer Steam but both are good.


TOUR R3 01 Round 3 results
Tough, great game! 4th player took first turn then resigned to AI took his place …


Marvelous, thank you!

Looks like we got in before the deadline, even if it did require me to take a few 6am turns before my first coffee :slight_smile:


Marvelous, thank you!

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Third Round is officially over and with it, the entire First Phase!

Stay tuned for updates. One thing I will tell you… the Championship Phase will be a biiiiit more crowded than everyone had anticipated :slight_smile:


With this, at least to me, quite meaningful moment, I would like to thank each and every person who took part in the Tournament so far. When starting I was, hm… terrified would be a nice word to describe it. And yet we are still going! And without any major mess ups no less!

I sincerely hope you wonderful people who will not progress to the next phase have had a nice time playing and those 25 players who do… well, good luck! On a few occasions thus far the underdog has pulled through and proven that giving up too early is not worth it!

Sincerely, in the name of entire Acram team.

Edit: Oh, here, take this:


Sorry all, I couldn’t quite do it for us. Excellent close game though! Good luck to everyone still in the tournament


When I saw that screen I audibly gasped in the office. Such an amazing close score!

BY THE BY, this was the last match of the quarter finals. Semis starting soon!

Update on the brackets. Semi finals are on!


Congrats @Dave … unless I miss someone you are the last SP rep standing.

The best for the semi-final (and the final as well of course).


congrats @Dave! go and get the title for SP honors!


And the Grand Final is on!

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