Istanbul: Digital Edition First Ever Not-So-Annual Online Tournament

Tour r2 34 results


Marvelous, thanks!

Edit. Wait, all other players went and vanished? Damn, that’s unlucky…

Yes , i scared them all away .

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all? but what about Henry?

Notice the horse chess piece icon below his portrait. It means he’s an AI player as well.

didn’t know that :thinking:
and did not pay attention to that small detail :roll_eyes:
thx for the enlightenment :expressionless:

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Find solace in the fact that I discovered the same thing only during the tournament :stuck_out_tongue: Really helpful (to me) to :smiley:


Alright, Second Round has finished 2 days ago, but we have finally counted everything up and added it to THE SPREADSHEET OF AWESOME. So yeah, going great, guys! We will be sending out Round 3 matching later this week :slight_smile:

P.S. We have analyzed some things from the First Round data, and BY FAR the most important one is that the yellow guy won most often!


I feel like that’s more or less a given.

(I play yellow)


Me too…

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Sooo… which is better to pick up as a second scram game; 8 minute or steam? (Any in our decathalon?)

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As much as I’d love to help, I think it’s against everything reasonable for me to pick one :F

Steam is a classic with more depth. 8ME is fun, but it can’t be called anything more than a filler. I have yet to play a game where it didn’t feel over too quickly. I prefer Steam but both are good.


TOUR R3 01 Round 3 results
Tough, great game! 4th player took first turn then resigned to AI took his place …


Marvelous, thank you!

Looks like we got in before the deadline, even if it did require me to take a few 6am turns before my first coffee :slight_smile:


Marvelous, thank you!

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Third Round is officially over and with it, the entire First Phase!

Stay tuned for updates. One thing I will tell you… the Championship Phase will be a biiiiit more crowded than everyone had anticipated :slight_smile:


With this, at least to me, quite meaningful moment, I would like to thank each and every person who took part in the Tournament so far. When starting I was, hm… terrified would be a nice word to describe it. And yet we are still going! And without any major mess ups no less!

I sincerely hope you wonderful people who will not progress to the next phase have had a nice time playing and those 25 players who do… well, good luck! On a few occasions thus far the underdog has pulled through and proven that giving up too early is not worth it!

Sincerely, in the name of entire Acram team.

Edit: Oh, here, take this:


Sorry all, I couldn’t quite do it for us. Excellent close game though! Good luck to everyone still in the tournament