Wow, that’s terrible. My condolences to both of you.
Thanks all. I feel like I’m being arrogant and selfish bringing it up, like it’s not even ‘my’ loss, but I can’t help it. Take care, all of you. No risks, no fucking around, double down on your safety measures.
I don’t think it’s arrogant or selfish at all. It might not be “your” loss, but you obviously feel the loss, and I hope bringing it up here helps you process it a little bit.
Part of my motivation in starting this thread was I wanted somewhere to talk about this whole mess and how it affects me without talking to people I know well. I thought others here might feel the same way.
We’re definitely a community, and I think we all care about one another’s well-being, but most (all?) of us have never met in person and likely never will. I think that gives us a level of freedom to be honest, even in a brief little post, without worrying about whether we’re going to hurt someone’s feelings, or cause people to worry about us too much, or be judged by someone who we see every day.
It’s nice to have a place to air what we’re thinking, regardless of whether it’s personal, silly, or downright ridiculous.
We are getting stepped down to lockdown level 3 next week. Community transmission of the virus has been effectively quashed, and each infected person has statistically infected 0.48 of a person. As it stands, the exponential growth has been broken.
We have been given a weeks notice before the start of level 3. Physical and social isolation is still in force, and people are still expected to stay to their family units (their bubbles). People who can work from home are expected to work from home. Those of us who can work in isolated ways can finally go back to work.
Things are still very restricted, but we will now be able to swim, surf or hike. We are expected to stay in our region. For me that means 110 miles in one direction and 130 miles in the other. The absolute best news is takeaway food places can finally reopen. I’ve loved flexing my cooking muscles for my family, but I’d love a break. First stop is supporting our local fish and chip shop.
I only mention this to counter some of the praise New Zealand has been getting online. We’ve had quite a thorough lockdown for a country that’s not been devastated like Italy. There’s many reasons why New Zealand might have missed the worst of this virus, but the hard, early quarantine will certainly be a part of it.
i think the best NZ move was to strictly control air traffic.
wasn’t NZ the first country that put arriving air travellers into quarantine? Australia following a bit later.
here in Germany flights from Italy (and esp from epicenter Bergamo) kept coming in and passengers could just walk away into town.
not even personal data were taken
couldn’t believe it when i heard about that in TV news.
didn’t take long and infection rate in Hamburg jumped up.
Here in the UK we are still not doing anything with arriving travelers.
Yeh that’s alarming and telling.
In Australia, for many weeks our biggest recording of new cases was with overseas arrivals (no surprise I know). We closed borders and then that figure obviously started to drop, and change to community transmission and with a lockdown in place, community transmission is slowing.
I know Australia is a tiny speck of an island somewhere but still the process follows.
Scares me to think UK is therefore only just in the very beginning stage where imports of the virus may not yet even have been overtaken by community rates!
From my perspective, the other crazy thing from my circle of friends is that 3 out of 3 people I know living in the UK (all of no relation to each other though) have told me they have/had the virus.
Whereas I know of zero friends/relations here back home…
Day 30-50 of total isolation?
My doctor said I most likely did and/or do have the virus.
Sorry testing is inadequate and science takes time.
The symptoms were quite rough, but I’m getting stronger now.
I care most about not infecting others.
I’ve killed exactly zero people in my life and looking to keep it there.
I‘lol wager over 50% of the world will get this even with the unprecedented prevention tactics.
So, we are not alone. We will get through it together, shoulder <——————> shoulder
P.S. I love how the US Navy declassified UFO footage and we are like ‘whatever, we are kind of busy now, come back later maybe’
Precisely why they chose now to do it, perhaps.
In Aus, kind of getting back to normal life. Few restrictions in place, but not really impacting quality of life. I didn’t stop working, and kids head back to school on Monday.
Very fortunate overall, even saved money because we haven’t had an opportunity to buy our normal stuff!
I’m off furlough and back working on my sites now, which is nice.
Second furlough in two months. And one more coming in June.
But … screw it. I’m doing beaucoup stuff around the house, and also running tournaments. Up yours, beer virus.
Not covid related, but I Have one less organ in my body today - Appendix removed!
I love the healthcare systems in Aus. Below is a picture of my room in the ward!
Who needs it anyway! Congratulations on coming as close to giving birth as men can.
wait, that room is to yourself? that looks bigger than the average apartment here in NYC