How's everyone doing?

The mystery deepens. Will we ever find out why so many people are getting long covid?

Weird. Maybe it wasn’t “just the flu” after all


I hope one day in the far future humankind has solved this, the universe’s hardest conundrum.

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Well, after 2.5 years, I caught it. Most probably at the Munich Oktoberfest so, you know, kind of only myself to blame. I did have an extra booster a month ago but that clearly didn’t help.

The interesting thing is that I felt crap two days after the Fest, but self-tests then and the next day were negative, so I just thought I had a shitty cold. I tested on day 3 just to be sure and got a positive line so dark that the control line was barely visible. Retested in case it was a bad test, nope. I went to the doctor for my PCR test and sick note, and she said they’re seeing a lot occurrences of self-tests staying negative until well after symptoms have started.

Anyway,official day 2 of quarantine is at an end. Nothing especially unpleasant, just a truly annoying sore throat and fatigue. Getting a lot of reading done, which is nice at least.


Sorry to hear that.

So far, I think I’ve avoided getting it at SHUX last weekend. I’ve already had it once and scheduled for my second booster next Friday so hoping I don’t get it before then.

That is one advantage, though. You feel crappy, but it makes you stop and just be: either read, watch TV shows you haven’t watched yet, or whatever. If I get it again, I’ll probably play a lot of video games.

When I’m not sleeping.


Hope the symptoms don’t get any worse and you feel better soon.

I have no idea how my wife and I have avoided getting COVID at this point … all three kids got it last winter and one son got it a second time over the summer, and we’re both around college students all the time, but so far we’ve been lucky.

I’ve got my second booster scheduled today along with my flu shot because I’m a glutton for punishment.


I was supposed to get my 2nd booster and flu shot yesterday, but my 10 yo has Covid. My wife and I both are still negative thankfully.


And we can build this dream together
Standing strong forever
Nothing’s gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers
We’ll still have each other
Nothing’s gonna stop us
Nothing’s gonna stop us now

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Amazed it took so long, but I finally got COVID—tested positive this morning. The odd thing is my son and wife had similar symptoms but tested negative multiple times.

Called the doc to see if I’m eligible for an antiviral and was told, “You actually sound pretty good.” They’ve had a bunch of people test positive recently and my bad cold-like symptoms aren’t too severe, thank goodness.

So I’m thankful it’s not too bad and also thankful I have a finished basement to isolate in. Who knows, maybe I’ll get through some of my gaming backlog while I recover. (It’s much more likely I use this flimsy excuse to buy more new games to play.)


Friend died of covid. Funeral. My ex, as it was a mutual friend of ours, did not turn up, and messaged me specifically to say she did not turn up because I attended.

Friend died of cancer. Funeral coming up shortly.

Both of them were younger than I.

I have a stinking cold. I’m drinking too much. My sleep cycle is shot. My diet is crap. Having a whale of a time, other than that.


Support from across the pond.

Add to your list of woes that that show was cancelled.
(Assuming I don’t need the proverbial internet disclaimer on this site)

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@OhBollox I’m very sorry for your losses–that’s awful. Sending more virtual support your way.

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Sorry for your losses, @OhBollox and sending you warm wishes from the Rocky Mountains, where it is snowing. Hope you get over your cold soon.

Your ex was being a jerk, btw. It’s one thing not to go, but another to message you like that at a vulnerable time. Though I always used to feel a sort of badge of honor when people don’t go to things because I was going to be there. That never happens now, because I’m old and soft and have small kids, so I have to behave. At least you aren’t in that category.


This is where the „like“ button is wholly inadequate and we need a crap, that sounds awful, sometimes life and people are just shit, button. Courage, mon brave.


When saddened or frustrated by major events over the past few years, I’ve been trying to focus on smaller things over which I can have more control. It doesn’t mean I’m successful, but at least I’m channeling my failures into less important stuff. Which is just to say that the greatest wisdom I have to offer is that there doesn’t seem to be very good wisdom available, so if failing to find a shortcut to perfection is no evidence of a personal flaw.


All I can offer is when life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic. Sorry. I’m not good at consoling people and my go to response is corny dad jokes. Hang in there.


Offering a ten year old, eight year old, and forty-six year old free to the first taker. All female; 10 and 8 are somewhat housebroken.


Not so much human trafficking as human thrifting.


Not me.

Already Got One