How's everyone doing?

Friend died of covid. Funeral. My ex, as it was a mutual friend of ours, did not turn up, and messaged me specifically to say she did not turn up because I attended.

Friend died of cancer. Funeral coming up shortly.

Both of them were younger than I.

I have a stinking cold. I’m drinking too much. My sleep cycle is shot. My diet is crap. Having a whale of a time, other than that.


Support from across the pond.

Add to your list of woes that that show was cancelled.
(Assuming I don’t need the proverbial internet disclaimer on this site)

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@OhBollox I’m very sorry for your losses–that’s awful. Sending more virtual support your way.


Sorry for your losses, @OhBollox and sending you warm wishes from the Rocky Mountains, where it is snowing. Hope you get over your cold soon.

Your ex was being a jerk, btw. It’s one thing not to go, but another to message you like that at a vulnerable time. Though I always used to feel a sort of badge of honor when people don’t go to things because I was going to be there. That never happens now, because I’m old and soft and have small kids, so I have to behave. At least you aren’t in that category.


This is where the „like“ button is wholly inadequate and we need a crap, that sounds awful, sometimes life and people are just shit, button. Courage, mon brave.


When saddened or frustrated by major events over the past few years, I’ve been trying to focus on smaller things over which I can have more control. It doesn’t mean I’m successful, but at least I’m channeling my failures into less important stuff. Which is just to say that the greatest wisdom I have to offer is that there doesn’t seem to be very good wisdom available, so if failing to find a shortcut to perfection is no evidence of a personal flaw.


All I can offer is when life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic. Sorry. I’m not good at consoling people and my go to response is corny dad jokes. Hang in there.


Offering a ten year old, eight year old, and forty-six year old free to the first taker. All female; 10 and 8 are somewhat housebroken.


Not so much human trafficking as human thrifting.


Not me.

Already Got One


Have a similar set already. 40, 10, and 7.


I was today years old when I found out you are not supposed to ingest lube.

It literally says it right on the fucking bottle.

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Came home from a business trip last week, felt a bit ropey yesterday, stuck a swab up my nose and oh boy, it’s baaaaack. I was leading a 3-day workshop this week- virtually thank goodness - and had to snort and squelch my way though the last session. I seem to remember that there are cultural issues with phlegminess in China, so bad luck to the 50% of the team in our Shanghai office.

Also perfectly timed to make me miss the office Xmas party, which is generally a good event. F‘ing virus.