Hill Climb Racing 2 daily/weekly friends challenges

i just got my “popular link” badge too.

and yes, Holsten, Snotty and me are the only users on SP with that badge in the moment.

it was never so easy to become popular :joy:

but someone should tell the devs to install a “delete a friend” button just besides the “add a friend” one.

Hey guys, join me in racing!


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Ive made an odd observation yesterday. I was 5th on the daily leaderboard with Jamma in 4th. When I raced it only matched me with 3 ghosts instead of 4, with the missing ghost beings Jammas. I beat his score to go in 4th but still raced with his ghost missing.

Now that the leaderboard has filled out Im back to racing 4 ghosts, all randoms of course. It was a shame that these random friends filled the leaderboard as I dont get to race against my actual invited friends. I hope the missing ghost is just a one off and not a sign of a deeper problem with racing the people you actually want to race.

Hi Guys
I’ll give it a try too!
Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=Mxw5wD


hi my link: playhcr.com/invite?id=N9QjAl


hello sohalevi,
an amazing “try” :smirk:
number 2 on my daily and number 4 on my weekly leaderboards itm :checkered_flag:

hello Anzinde,
i guess your ingame ID is Anze, right?

120 friends and numbers increasing every day, glad they fixed a “lag with a lot of friends” bug in the last update :grin:

If you know u are better than me in hill climb racing . Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=O1E3EW

Hey guys somebody challenge me to weekly and daily challenges https://playhcr.com/invite?id=oZr636

Hi guys, my link :slight_smile:

Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=O0ddr2

hello Hill Climbers!

great new content update for Hill Climb 2.
the new 5 Cups (14 new tracks) are very tricky.

and i just discovered that the update installed a new option to remove players from the friends list :neutral_face:

more than 120 friends is over the top. too much scrolling :smirk:
now we can edit the friendslists as we want them to be.
just tap on a name!

i have deleted all but the 13 SP users, who have posted in this thread,
the fun is back in daily and weekly challenges now!

this thread has 2.2 k views! :open_mouth:
and contains the most followed links :grin:
and obviously attracted some new users :relaxed:

[edit] 14,400 views by now (Feb12th, 2018) :smile:

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Add me
Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=BwV2Bl

Any frequent or regular players on here? Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=x4daM7

i’m still playing, sometimes :smirk:
want to check the tank’s performance when outmaxed.
itm all attributes at 13/20.


Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=w4AlM0

Let’s race: https://playhcr.com/invite?id=nqMXgX

My challenge link https://playhcr.com/invite?id=KQyXl4