Gifts for Friends

You mean iOS and Android or Steam too?

Ah man, I probably should have clarified that. I meant to iOS App Store. I guess I always thought of Android as the play store for some reason.

Civ 6 is gone

Don’t use Steam myself, but glad to see a giveaway thread. Hope it helps some people get good stuff!

Unfortunately, the Civ 6 key did not work… Country lock.
So, I am not sure if this means „Germany“ only in my case, or the whole Euro-Zone.
Anyway if anyone wants to try the Civ 6 key just let me know.

The Sexy Brutale is gone.
The key worked with someone from the UK. So that is good news.

Good Idea

I am giving away Humble Bundle Stuff myself:

Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun Dragonfall “Director’s Cut”
Shadowrun Honkong “Extended Eddition” Edit: Claimed
Dreamfall Chapters

All on steam (may be region locked to Germany/EU) I have gift keys I think that may(be can) circumvent the region-locking

PM if interested

Pm me for a Prismata key (Steam)
First come first serve

It is gone

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I am so late to this but not that much, I think this is the great idea of game to gift someone.
All the games are interesting and I am sure one should also like this.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Thanks! My decade-old Steam Library has now increased from 3 games to 4! One of which is my own game, so really just three.

I have a key for Istanbul on Switch. DM me and it’s yours. Only one, though. :frowning:

I’ve got an extra key for Crusader Kings 2 on Steam. DM me and it’s yours!

Apparently I can’t edit that but it’s gone now.

Between two Castles is free for a limited time on steam.
You can keep the game after claiming it.

Same for World War Z on the Epic store.

Havent tried any of them yet.


I guess most of you folks own this game already, but Civ 6 is free on the Epic store (pc)

I have a free Steam Key for Cultist Simulator if anyone wants it.

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I banged my head against that game so hard… really wanted to love it but it felt like the more I did the less I understood


I love Cultist Simulator. You do have to bang your head against it and keep trying new things though.


Resurrecting this thread because I have a free Steam key for Storyteller, if anyone’s interested.