Fantasy deck-builder, Legendary DXP, is set to arrive next week

Since we are all bashing the game (and deservedly so at this point). I’ll throw out a positive:

The art is good enough that I quickly forgot about the missing Marvel IP.

The game definitely has potential. Gameplay is currently excruciating and I despise the business model, but I’ll probably check in with every major update because when the game functions as it should it could be fun.

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According to AppShopper, there is another update out. Among some bug fixes, the turn timer in solo has been increased to 60:00.

I already deleted the app, but if anyone tries this out and finds the experience any better, please let us know here.

Same thought.

Two updates released, according to the version history … but reviews still mention what I would consider to be basic UI issues.

I can’t help feeling that it’s not my fault they signed a GenCon-deadline contract. That’s their problem.

Any SP-ers struggling through?

I gave it another shot. It’s functional, but frustrating. The new turn timer gives you all the time in the world to make your decisions, but the rest of the game flies by without giving you much of a chance to see what is happening. Other UI quirks leave me scratching my head as to why the game was designed the way it was.

There really is a good core game buried in the mess and it is playable as is, though far from ideal.

Actually, I take that back. I’m going on a road trip out to rural PA, so the game won’t be playable for me since they made some brain-melting decision to require an internet connection.

I know it’s my job to check these things out, but I’m not touching this donkey with a 30’ pole.

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Seriously … I feel like it’s three full updates away from maybe a look.

The GenCon deadline was a disaster for all parties involved.

Well, one step forward, I suppose. Keep in mind that thus far I’ve only played solo and that I am already familiar with the game. Solo mode now seems to be bug free, at least. AI players were removed, so solo is now truely solo. Unfortunately, there are almost no customization options, so you play with the decks that the game decides you are going to play with. As for UI, I was thrown for a loop at first because double-tapping to view a card now buys/attacks it, so I had to learn to use long presses instead. It isn’t ideal, but it works fine. Still, play Ascension, developers! My biggest usability complaint is still that the game automates certain game effects too quickly. If you draw a scheme twist, for example, it quickly flashes the card then throws cards around the table at the speed of light to resolve the effect.

I still maintain that there is a good game in here and it is a shame it was rushed so badly, but there are also some design decisions that baffle me and have nothing to do with rushed development.

Another update dropped. Next time my wife is out with the girlfriends and I’m home alone with nothing to do but drink and look longingly at all the board games I have nobody to play with I will probably install it again and give it a try.

Welcome to my world, brother! I’m convinced neglected board games weep.


And yet I still funnel cash into new kickstarter ones…

The latest update brought some UI improvements like being able to view and confirm and card discards etc. (previously you had to make a single click best guess with mostly obscured cards!). It’s still sticking plasters over the patchy first release, but it’s more bearable with this :slight_smile:

Another update, another promise of fixes. We will see.

On the plus side, this recent update made the game a universal app.

They added a permanent sidebar on tablet to see card details. Call me fickle but it was an immediate app delete moment.

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Yeah, wow! What a horrific and inelegant solution to a problem.

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Deleted long ago. And I like Legendary.

Such a beginning-to-end UI fail. And the rush to hit a (contract-driven?) GenCon deadline made a terrible first impression.

I kind of wish you would look at the all new UI just to hear your reaction😏

Me too. They took something so-so and made it so-so worse

Another update, and I’m sure another disappointment. I will always have hope for this game because if it ever get ironed out (aka a full-makeover 2.0 version), I could see myself playing quite a bit.

In addition to “bug fixes” and “UI improvements” the patch notes claim an all-new pack system to grow your collection. Because what this game needed most was a random pack economy…

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I’m fairly certain the cheesy pack stuff is only to unlock the their silly foil versions of the existing cards, not actual new content/cards. So many of these updates seem to be related to perfecting their “foil metagame” which is beyond pointless to me.

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I don’t get their approach at all. Somewhere some people sat down and made a decision to make what should have been a board game app similar to Ascension into a competitive card battler complete with in-game levels and currency. Is there a big community of competitive Legendary players out there that I’m unaware of?