Well, one step forward, I suppose. Keep in mind that thus far I’ve only played solo and that I am already familiar with the game. Solo mode now seems to be bug free, at least. AI players were removed, so solo is now truely solo. Unfortunately, there are almost no customization options, so you play with the decks that the game decides you are going to play with. As for UI, I was thrown for a loop at first because double-tapping to view a card now buys/attacks it, so I had to learn to use long presses instead. It isn’t ideal, but it works fine. Still, play Ascension, developers! My biggest usability complaint is still that the game automates certain game effects too quickly. If you draw a scheme twist, for example, it quickly flashes the card then throws cards around the table at the speed of light to resolve the effect.
I still maintain that there is a good game in here and it is a shame it was rushed so badly, but there are also some design decisions that baffle me and have nothing to do with rushed development.