the update for Eclipse came unexpected.
one important change makes for a huge difference:
A.I.Bots can take over now when a player times out!
and the timer has been expanded from max 24 hrs per turn up to 3 days per turn.
about a year ago i kept trying to play games with randoms, and it was fun for some time, but sooner or later a player timed out and the whole game was instantly busted. not a single game could be finished and so i gave up.
now is the time for a new try! we must find out.
but i couldn’t find an option for private games and GC invitations don’t seem to work any longer.
so i will set up a 4P game with 3 days timer and disabled plasma missiles at 5pm US eastern time/ 11pm central europe time.
if anyone is interested to check it out, just set up an alarm on your device and (try to) join!
hope to cu ingame!