Dune: Imperium Landsraad thread

Lessons to apply. Another game? Or 2?

Created a new game, pw sp6

All welcome to contest the desert !

another endgame screen i could not see although the game sent me a notification to ā€œview the resultsā€.
this is so annoying :angry:

It seems that all four of us players got the notification. Then I was first to check the game, I saw the result and when I exited the game was deleted for you and the others.

I did take a screen shot though which all players have seen.

@SpiceTheCat, @Hardco, @kennfusion gg! Was a fun game.



That last battle with you at 20 and me at 18 was sad, because I could have put more points into it, and did not think you could get up past 18. I was wrong :slight_smile:

Yes to revenge :blush: letā€™s line up players before setting up the game to avoid the disappearing game thing.

I had 4 more in reserve, if that makes you feel better :slight_smile:

Iā€™m in for a rematch!

in the stunning last round all pieces fell into places for me.

i was the last player in action and so could see the conflict resolution, the final board and scoring screen.
in the very moment i pressed ā€œcontinueā€ the game was deleted from the server.

so it might help to keep it in the background for some time?
will do so next time.

good news from DireWolfDigital support! :partying_face:

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Looks like this is a must-have game based on the thread! Will pick it up this weekend and do some solo games to get acclimated. :+1:


@SpiceTheCat, @Hardco, @kennfusion : created game, password: sp


Is there any way to increase the size of the cards before buying them? I only have a vague idea of what Iā€™m buying most of the timeā€¦

Hold down on the card with your finger and it will enlarge the image. Of course then your finger is still covering up the card name and half the artwork.


With 15 years of iOS card games, that would be the first thing I tried! Iā€™m not sure why it wasnā€™t working for me beforeā€¦

the just finished game with @TheDukester, @robthomasson and @zen4one is still residing intact in my background. i can go in and switch from ā€œresultsā€ to ā€œview boardā€ and can open the log and scroll up.
but still not possible for all players to open the game.
Rob confirmed that he got the notification to ā€œview resultsā€ but canā€™t open the game.
so we must wait on for the promised (ā€œWe are aware of this issue and currently working on a fix.ā€) update.

I find the gameā€™s detection of movement pretty tight, so it often happens that I attempt a long-press which it interprets as the beginning of a drag.

Iā€™ve now played this game enough that Iā€™d be up to try multiplayer the next time thereā€™s an open slot. But Iā€™m experiencing a pretty serious Ascension hangover: if a decent array of Bene Gesserit or Fremen cards show up in the first few turns, I can usually thin my deck, and then spice and water seem to just show up at reasonable rates, so most of my late-game strategy involves putting myself in position to win the 2-VP battles or milk a VP-granting intrigue card. But I feel like there are kind of a lot of cards which donā€™t really fit into any coherent strategy I can make work; thereā€™s a few decent emperor or spacing guild cards, but most of them seem pretty weak to me, and there are more 1-cost cards which seem like theyā€™re never a good buy than Iā€™d expect. So I feel like Iā€™m trying to force the game to play the way I want, and thatā€™s kind of how things usually go for me in Ascension, too, though to a lesser degree.


good news! a new serverside update seems to have fixed the final scoring.

@Codington, @zen4one and @Dave could all see the final scoring in their just finished game :partying_face: