Decathlon Practice Arena

I’ll play a warmup game of Brass. My game is pretty terrible too…

Has anyone had working notifications in Through the Ages for the last few months on iOS?

My notifications have been working fine for TTA.

I’ll play Brass with the one warning that I do not get the game at all so don’t count on me to make any sensible decisions…

Could someone who understands brass do some sort of group game walk through?

Like what is a basic strategy for it? I have looked up strategy stuff on like BGG before, but I find those just as difficult to understand.

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I might be shipping Coal to Manchester here (LOL) but try this @kennfusion

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I’m in for a pre-beating beating in Brass too, why not.

And all good on TtA notifications here, banners and (accurate) badges.

I’ve uninstalled TTA from all devices, installed it only on my iPhone, updated the operating system, rebooted the phone, and I still don’t get notifications on TTA. It really kills my enthusiasm to play it!

Very weird…

Their tech support is pretty good if you haven’t tried emailing them

Looking down the road a bit, if anyone wants to get in a game of Castles of Burgundy, I’m “Codington” in the DigiDiced world…

I’ll join. Need a third?

Yes, three player practice seems best! I’m also putting it out there in case anyone doesn’t know the game very well and wants a “safe” way to learn. :grinning:

I’ll play CoB, but I can’t join a game until tomorrow (need to buy an iTunes card). I’ve never played before.

I’ll play CoB , even though it doesn’t have a nice top-down look on the app.

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Invite sent @JHTaube and @jason1002

Happy to help fill another table for you @Mirefox, when you are ready.

I should probably learn how to play CoB, how is the tutorial in game?

I honestly can’t remember if the tutorial is good or lacking, but below is a “How to Play” video…

@Mirefox and I will be waiting when you are ready! :grinning:

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I don’t think tutorials are Digidiced’s strong suit…

I’ve played a lot of CoB and am happy to teach or play with anyone that wants practice.

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I need to learn CoB … I’m going to buy it right now.