Ok, still digging on this one… I think this distribution fits quite a bit better - I went through every game and tried to think about what makes that game quintessentially that game…
The sets aren’t quite even and there are three games that don’t quite fit…
Root could be considered Area Control, but that’s not all it is.
Galaxy Trucker does depend on how you do Tile Placement but again not quite like the others in that set.
And Disc Drivin’ 2 is just totally out in left field… (sorry, @Jammatal
I think we could drop the last two events in this list for now and do a 7+3 as suggested by @SpiceTheCat
As for the “hated” games, I’ve only heard Twilight Struggle and Viticulture, so it’s not clear to me that it’s really going to be an issue or - more specifically - that it’s worth the effort to do so many polls. I’d rather wait and see if there’s actually any reason for whining and gnashing of teeth… 
Anyway, here’s pass #2 - I’m more than happy to hear some tweaks on this to even things out, or maybe this is good enough for now… (wouldn’t that be nice?!)
Action Choice |
Economic |
Fighting |
Puzzle |
Area Control |
Tile Placement |
Worker Placement |
Set Collection |
??? |
Wingspan |
Through the Ages |
Evolution |
Sagrada |
Small World |
Dragon Castle |
Lords of Waterdeep |
Gem Rush |
Disc Drivin’ |
Race for the Galaxy |
Brass |
Neuroshima Hex |
Railroad Ink |
8 Minute Empire |
Castles of Burgundy |
Viticulture |
Potion Explosion |
Root |
Puerto Rico |
Steam: Rails to Riches |
Shards of Infinity |
Tsuro |
Fort Sumter |
Isle of Skye |
Istanbul |
Ticket to Ride |
Galaxy Trucker |
Roll for the Galaxy |
Terraforming Mars |
Cthulhu Realms |
Patchwork |
Twilight Struggle |
Yellow & Yangtze |
Raiders of the North Sea |
Concordia |
Le Havre |
Star Realms |
Indian Summer |
Gaia Project |