Crowdfunding: Where Your Wallet Goes To Die

There was a good one regarding the recent cancellation of some euro classics, where someone pointed out people from the cultures used for the themes had not been consulted. Some of those games were Tigris & Euphrates and Ra. So that would have been a challenge.


Go to and put “cultural appropriation board game” in the search and there’s a lot of talk about it. Right now there’s not much outrage, but there has been in the past. Now it’s more just a discussion of the topic.

My group often refers to their own faction as the good guys, with all other factions being the bad guys. Even if you’re the axis in cataclysm, you’re still subjectively the good guys. It’s always said tongue in cheek and serves to lighten the mood,

That being said, in John company version 1 it was pretty clear that everyone was out for themselves. There were no heroes. The aim of the game was to exploit everyone and everything for your own personal gain.

While Cole Wherle could attempt to harness the zeitgeist and lay bare the atrocities of colonialism, I would hope all his players were capable of critical thought and were able to participate in the theme without the lesson being rammed down their throat.

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While Cole Wherle could attempt to harness the zeitgeist and lay bare the atrocities of colonialism, I would hope all his players were capable of critical thought and were able to participate in the theme without the lesson being rammed down their throat.

That’s the crux of it. Those critical of JC are worried that even if it’s not just doing colonialism again, the satire will be missed and those playing it will assume that’s what it’s doing. I don’t count that as a failure of the game, but the audience. You can’t make people think.

Thanks! I don’t see much to object to, other than a few accounts trying to create a windstorm where there shouldn’t be. But back to our original topic, this seems to be happening in the area of “colonization” Euro games, not in wargames at all.

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Stationfall on the 27th.

I am moving house (countries actually), and had to scour my inbox for various Kickstarter’s at various delivery stages and redirect to family’s houses.

There was quite a good list and I am as excited as ever to get more new games (at some unspecified date in the future).

List includes;

  • TFM Big Box plus all the things (should be here before I move)
  • 7th Citadel
  • Unsettled
  • Everdell Big Box plus all the things
  • Marvel Xmen United
  • TFM Card Game
  • Frosthaven

There’s a lot of game in that list… best not order any more!

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That did seem pretty funny. Should get that game in a month!

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I’m in on three crowdfunding campaigns at the moment, so it’s going to take something astounding to get me off the sidelines for another. It had been a while, so I threw in with Tim Fowers’ new word game, then Artisans of Splendent Vale, which I helped test, came up and my daughter was really into it, then the newest Too Many Bones big expansion rolled in and sounded great.

Free at Last is a card-driven boardgame for 2-6 players (that can also be played solo quite easily) that puts the players in the middle of the American South during the Civil Rights Movement from February 1, 1960 going through the summer of 1965. Each player controls one of the five key civil rights organizations: CORE, NAACP, the LDF, SCLC, SNCC, and if there is a sixth player, they play as the coalition within the US Congress advocating for civil rights.

That’s a key thing though about Free at Last. It’s not about Washington DC. This is about the people on the scene, the ones active in promoting equal rights and the end of segregation.

As a card-driven game (CDG), players take turns playing cards from their hand. These cards let the players take actions to accomplish Projects–examples include working to desegregate schools in New Orleans; Fayette County voter registration; as well as the various Freedom Rides across the south. They also can be used for a specific event on the card, granting special powers to the players–but also potentially creating future disadvantageous consequences or making cooperation between the players’ groups more difficult.

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My AV blocks this site because of an unidentified “infection” how fitting… :wink:

I havent bitten on a kickstarter in ages!

Since I moved country I had to redirect my mail to Nanna’s house, and will pick up / swap out my games when I head back.

So yeah, haven’t had that dopemine hit from delivery to get me back in.

Still waiting for the everdell mega bundle, Frosthaven and 7th Citadel.

That should keep me occupied for a year….

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Castles of Burgundy: Special Edition. Like we needed one. But it sure is glamorous.


i need it so much!
the alea edition was like a punch in the stomach.
and the expansions seem to be amazing.

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