Crowdfunding: Where Your Wallet Goes To Die

Well, I backed Turmoil. Would you believe it is my first ever Kickstarter or other crowdfunding pledge of any kind?

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No, I don’t believe that … that’s just not possible! :open_mouth:

Seriously considering.

Yes, that one has definitely caught my eye recently.

Not strictly Stately Playful, but there’s probably enough overlap that I can get away with posting this; the latest adventure game from the Myst guys, Firmament, is nearing the end of its KS campaign, and it looks as if funding will be a squeaker. Their previous title, Obduction, was good stuff that I enjoyed thoroughly, though I found the ending a little rushed; the final, unreached, stretch goal was for an additional chapter, and it rather felt the lack of it. This time round though we’ll be getting a complete story assuming it gets funded at all, so it’s worth taking a look at.

Splotter spotters!

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Hmmmmm interesting.

Already preordered. Will 10/10 buy anything that says Labyrinth.

(cue David Bowie jokes)

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I have to think that fancy minis for Brit would be a significant downgrade from cardboard counters; it’s a game where you really need to be able to distinguish a colour’s different nation units at a glance. I’ll stick with my FFG edition, thanks.

I have a new girlfriend. I cannot back this.

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Holy shit, I don’t blame you. Sixty five lubs for the game, and shipping not included. Good thing shipping board games is famously cheap! It’s this a new KS trend, to not include shipping?

To know it is to love it. Obsession expansion Upstairs Downstairs is on KS.

Theme at least is a little different here.