Brand New Root Megathread

Game created, password sp

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Gg too @Mirefox @jason1002 @irishdomer08

First game played to completion :+1::smiley:

Just joining in ā€¦ open to a game

Looks like @JMH.75 game filled up. I started another password sp

Also started another game as I only have 1 active game. Password sp

In the game with @Snotty128 @Hardco and @feederofgoats
I completed my turn and it shows snotty next considering field hospital. ???

Holy cow! I had to make a decision on somebody elseā€™s turn and I got a notification!

Nice to finally see.

Iā€™m not exactly heaping praise at this point. Iā€™m in three games. When I go into the app, it shows my turn for each. Itā€™s not my turn in any of them.

Agreed. Of all the way the game notifies you of a turn, only the banner seems reliable. The pop-up message and the exclamation mark on the game list are all hit-and-miss in my experience so far.

Considering we werenā€™t getting notifications when we had to make a decision when it wasnā€™t our turn, this is definitely an improvement. But yeah, when I logged in to actually make my decision, it said it was @JMH.75ā€™s turn. And it was, but I had to make the decision in the middle of it.


Itā€™s my turn in one of these games. Can you guess which one? No, not the one with my name highlighted.


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Yeah, they need to get that sorted.

I resigned one of my games as Eyrie, fell far behind and screwed myself twice carelessly.

I get an exclamation mark showing which of my games needs attention. I donā€™t know what happens if two games need me to move, I assume 2 exclamation marks.

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@Zebracadabra. Game needs your input re a battle.
Just in case there was no indication.

I think that might be correct, though it warrants further investigation.

Iā€™ve entered the game four times. Played an Ambush, resulting in two left for both Eyrie and Marquis (me). Iā€™ve saved and exited four times and it still shows my responses as needed. I canā€™t do anymore than that. It should be your play now, @JHTaube.

(Narrator: it wasnā€˜t)

Edit: unconstructive sarcasm aside, Iā€™m actually enjoying my current games. Hopefully DW will fix the notifications soonish. Well, within their next couple of board game ports at least.

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I just logged on and received a notification that it was my turn, and it actually was. But the exclamation mark was also there.

Looks good so far, but you shouldnā€™t have to check the online status to see what games you have turns in.

After multiple games over the last day, I can pretty much confirm that if you go to online play and see the exclamation mark, itā€™s either your turn or you have to do something on somebody elseā€™s turn.

Not 100% sure, but pretty sure.

Of course, thatā€™s still annoying, but at least itā€™s something.