Ok, abandon the current game and start from scratch. It had barely begun anyways. I’m about to hit that X on the game screen.
I’m good to start again.
Sounds good to me.
I’ve abandoned all my games and started a first replacement game, password Sp1. Fingers crossed…
I’m not seeing any games available to join with your name on it
Ah, the first one filled up. Started a second game, password Sp2
I’m in. Random faction. I’m doomed.
Looks like my first games over, beaten by the ai that replaced hardco.
I did feel somewhat hamstrung as the marquis because half way through the game the recruit button refused to work! It said I had 18 cats in reserve but wouldn’t let me recruit at any of my many recruitment stations.
Pretty pleased to come second under that particular handicap.
I checked that game many times, and it always said it was your turn. Hopefully they’ve fixed that issue.
Yeah I thought it highly unusual for you to drop out, so I figured it was bugged
Gg @Hardco, @SpiceTheCat, @jason1002 ! Actually, I’m still figuring out what I am supposed to be doing Another one?
I’m up for another, but it still seems like in game it doesn’t indicate when it is your turn during someone else’s turn. With the long replays, it is pretty annoying to check games regularly…
Yeah, if there is something in the middle of somebody else’s turn, we need to let people know.
I know I’m up in my game but I need to take a few minutes sometime today to do the Alliance tutorial. I’ll get on it.
I’m sorry, I’m in another game of this and work is burying me
Yes please
I’d be happy to join a 4p random faction game.