Ascension: War of Shadows Tournament [Complete]

I thought I was in good shape this game! I had eliminated all of my starting cards, and I never left you with day or night being active, yet somehow you were generating a ridiculous amount of both resources each round… Good game!

I’ve noticed that there aren’t a lot of construct killers in this deck… The Mechana constructs are pretty useless unless you can keep it day, but the lifebound ones that give you one and one each turn can be game changing. Apparently. Great game!

Fell to @robthomasson, 75-52. I had both the 7 guy that takes any card and the 12 hero that gives you ten VP; unfortunately, they both only showed up once in my hand. Rob grabbed the 7 monster and ran with the night cards; saw this one slipping away as it neared the last few rounds. Onwards to game 2!

The margin surprised me, but I did think I had it when the 12-pointer (Vyrak, The First) had not shown up again. You can end up with a lot of cards in your deck with WoS making appearances of any one card less frequent.

btw “Somebody” (you or geigerm) needs to mark you as the winner against hardco in Challonge so that we can enter scores in our match.

You beat me to it. Marking the winner is the one thing that Challonge does not make clear.

Done. I also recorded the score of the first @js619 vs @robthomasson match.

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I’m into the finals after picking up key cards at just the right time from the magic PEZ dispenser against both @johnl and @rinelk.

Legion of Aklys, in particular, is pretty ridiculous. As I’m sure Kelsey would agree.

Good games, everyone.

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You can say that two times. I was just playing along, minding my own business, then I’m waking up in a bathtub full of ice with no kidneys.


@robthomasson and I just finished game 2… I saw the notifications pop up that a game had ended and that Rob wanted to play a game - figured I had won, which I did 77-65. Exactly tied on VPs, 30-30!

@js619 took the second game in our semi-final so we need a third game and you have time to buff up your dispenser before one of us gets to you …

Game 3 handily went to @robthomasson, 96-54. I felt this one getting away midway through when he used the 4 card that allows you to defeat any monster when it’s day to take the 7 monster which then gives you two VPs for taking night cards… seems a large percentage of games are won by that guy. Great game! I’m off to maybe learn the names of the cards in this one… maybe.

By the time I got that “That guy” (Legion of Aklys) I believe that I already had the advantage but he iced my bun (as it were) and could certainly have been a problem if he gone to @js619.

I still have no game plan for this expansion but clearly this game fell right for me.

Thanks to @js619 for a great series … and onward to @TheDukester.


Oh, it is on like Centipede.


Invite sent to @rinelk for the Bronze match…

First round of the bronze match went to me, 82-74. I led VPs most of the game, but @rinelk built up a healthy supply of Mechana constructs and it stayed day for a few turns towards the end, leading to a closer game than I anticipated! Good game, onto round 2/3.

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First blood in the final to @TheDukester … a clear win.

I did not notice a killer blow … “just” good all round coverage. Secomd game underway …

@TheDukester has nabbed Vyrak, The First with 47 honor left in the pool, so he will play him at least twice and gain 20 honor. It could be over already …

… and I almost missed it. I was so focused on which monster to kill.

I’m pretty sure that’s the first time I’ve gotten Vyrak in a competitive game.

Very well played match, @js619! I felt like the final score made the game look closer than it was–I felt doomed for the whole second half of the game. A well-earned bronze for @js619!

I took the second round of the Bronze match, 115-102. Highest scores I’ve seen yet in this game, and the first time the Mechana constructs worked for me - we both had decent constructs going, and I’m honestly not sure what accounted for the 13 point difference. Might have been the construct that allowed me to always treat my turn as day - there were several turns where I was drawing ten plus cards.

This was the first game that I felt like I had a strategy and an engine going. Great game, @rinelk, and great tournament all around!

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