Ascension: DoC/WoS Tournament [Tourney complete]

Since the War of Shadows tourney did so well, I’d like to run another Ascension tournament, this time combining WoS with the Dawn of Champions expansion.

I’ll keep signups open for a week or two, depending on how the numbers look.

As with my last tourney, we’ll have one round of pool play followed by a single-elimination bracket where each round is best of 3 games. I’ll manage the tourney through Challonge, so please list your Playdek and Challonge usernames when you sign up.

Playdek: mgeiger9
Challonge: geigerm

I’m in!

whovian223 in both places

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Yep! In! Awesome :sunglasses:
Challonge: Blackfyre
Playdek: blackfire1929

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“rinelk” in both, happily joining.

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YES. Sign me up.

halfvoid on everything.

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Sterling service Mike.

Please include me … robthomasson at both Playdek & Challonge.

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I am in, Baelnor on all the things

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I’m in. KYakerDude on both.

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I’ll play too.
JHTaube everywhere

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Feed me moar Ascension!

JS619 everywhere…

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Sure, hardco on both.

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I’ll play. john_1325 on both.

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We’ve got 12 players right now. I’ll bump this to give latecomers a chance to sign up, and then we’ll get the tourney going within a couple of days.

Still in :slight_smile:

Let me just find a place to put down my trophy …

… okay, done. I’m in.

Challonge: TheDukester
Ascension: ItsTheDukester


That’s 13 players. Could one more person please sign up to make the numbers manageable? Heck, I’ll take two or three people–as long as the number of players isn’t prime.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll either drop out so we have 12, or we’ll have a pool of 6 players and a pool of 7, and I’ll ensure I’m in the pool of 7 so my chances of advancing are worse.

Or … use three groups, of 5-4-4. Everyone plays twice within the group, for a minimum of six games.

After that, you’d have three major playoffs options that I can see (4, 6, or 8). There would be more, but Challonge can’t handle wacky playoffs.

Ah, good point. We could do top 2 from each pool + 2 wildcards–I’d like to put 8 in the playoffs.

I’ll play, if it makes the numbers easier. I’m only mildly interested as I’m trying to learn a few heavier games at the moment, but it isn’t as if Ascension is some kind of brain burner.

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I’ve been lurking here for a while but keen to get into a tournament, so if I’m not too late please sign me up.

Playdek name: goatfeeder
Challonge name: feederofgoats

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