Among the Stars

Out of curiosity, why are e-mail notifications useful for you? Personally, I’d find them redundant with the way my phone is set up. But maybe I am missing a useful feature.

I use unread email messages as my to-do list. When I get busy I won’t go check app badges or pay much attention to those notifications, but it will bug me that I have an unread email - which gets me to go open that app and take my turn.

I’ve found I take turns much more promptly with apps that have email nudges.

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I see. I am quite fastidious when it comes to keeping my phone clear of clutter (probably to a fault) so I tend to take care of any badges as soon as they pop up or as soon as I am able. That said, I see how e-mail notifications could be very useful for games that don’t have functioning badges.

i wonder why AtS doesn’t give us a choice between email and push notifications?

such a pity that it took too long to fill the game with Stately Players. i have a bad feeling that the stranger will ruin our game sooner or later.

well it seems our game has been cancelled. Not sure why.

i got an email notification that “one of your online games has been abandoned by another player”.

ingame the panel says “mhatke left. game terminated.”

timeout? bug? i had chosen the longest possible timer (48 hrs) in the setup.
i wonder if 48 hrs for each turn or possibly for the whole game?

I got a your turn email at 3a and game cancelled email at 9a.

Surely it isn’t 48 hours total game…but even if it is I’m not sure the timer is that high.

Oh well

game surely suffers from some launch issues.
now it’s waiting for the patch.

what a massive bugfix update 1.2 !

no word about a fix for joining private games.
let’s just hope it’s in “several smaller bugfixes and improvements”.

i have created game Stately Players (pw: again)

we can add a nickname now to online registration.
but i had to create a new account for that.
couldn’t find a way to add a nickname to my existing account :flushed:
did i miss something?

it seems to be the same old mess.
i switched to my new nickname account and tried to join, but doh.
could join open games though.
quite disappointing.

Yep doesn’t work :frowning:

new update 1.3

i have created game Stately III (pw: ready)

all the old games (Stately Players/Stately/Stately II/Jane Hatke’s Game) are still there. i guess they could be joined now as well?

It worked and I’m in!

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I’m in too!

game has started.

I’d love to hear how smooth everything goes.

i’m afraid to say that our game seems to be bugged.

@irishdomer08 keeps getting 4 VPs for his Galactic Research Facility at the start of each turn. so by now he enjoys a massive 47-28-18-18 lead.
but i can’t see why?
Galactic Research Facility only has an “immediate” one-time effect, or do i miss something?
anyone for an idea what keeps happening with the GRF?

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Maybe I’m just that good at this game :wink:

Something does seem wrong and your description of the GRF looks accurate to me.

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yeah, must be a bug.
this and the game locks up and must be reloaded when i look into the log and/or the rules :rolling_eyes:

still needs some more fixes.

the game has problems with green sectors for which other players had paid one-time contributions.
now my green “immediate effect” School of Alien Cultures goes on giving me 3 points (by “ability”) each turn too.

imho it does not make much sense to go on with the bugged game :head_bandage: