2020 Carcassonne Quaran-Tournament Sign-up

Single game seems best.

@Feygor just destroyed me 240-something to 120-something, but I didn’t get a screen grab of the score. Hopefully he did to add it in Challonge.

I did :wink:
Game was not so bad at all …

It has been decided unanimously that this tournament will be single games instead of two out of three. If you’ve already started a second game, it can be for fun or for two out of three, your decision.

Seeing as how @JMH.75 is crushing me already in our second game, after destroying me in out first, I’m not sure it matters either way for us.

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I’d forgotten how well this app was done - the little things are such a pleasure. The facts that it never needs force closing to load a game (looking at you, Digidiced), loads right into where you left off without jumping through 5 menu and loading screens (Twilight Struggle), and just works seamlessly make it really fun to play.

Yes, it is pretty masterfully done. Three friends list issues are on Apple, too, so Coding Monkeys can’t even be blamed for that.

Too bad Asmodee didn’t buy the code when they acquired the license.

Pretty certain they’d have finger fucked it anyway.

Well, they’d have botched online for sure by trying to tie it to their infrastructure, but the core game would have likely stayed the same. My guess is that the game didn’t have the shiny aesthetic that Asmodee seems to prioritize.

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Is it me, or does it take longer to load than it did on my 3G? I feel like it tap the icon and it does nothing for 3 seconds before loading the app. Everything else is flawless, but this seems a bit odd.

Huh, haven’t noticed that - let me check when I fire it up later.

@johnl Talk about close, and I completely missed that you had successfully stolen that pasture from me, I thought I had looked and there were no pieces that would allow you to get that 2nd in there. GG!

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Hey @Feygor. I don’t know which of our two games you want to use now that we’re not doing 2 out of 3, but since I think I’m screwed in both of them, I don’t think it will matter that much. :stuck_out_tongue:

An enjoyable and close game … that just fell to me …

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That was a really great game–well played! I especially enjoyed how we both got our double meeples stuck really early in the game and didn’t have them available … :rofl:

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Our group is all wrapped up.

I don’t know. Maybe you will win your blue game.

@Mirefox over @whovian223 in a super tight game. It won’t let me upload the image for some reason. I believe it was right around a 1 point game going in to final scoring and I had a single farmer that put me over the top.


Yep! I still don’t quite understand the farmer rules.

Good game!

Final score was 258-224

The problem with this tourney is how mad it makes me that the future of this fantastic game is that Asmodee abortion.


Tied game with @SpiceTheCat
If so, you pick the expansions this time.