White Dog Games

I just ran across this geeklist: https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/232628/alternates-oop-games, and saw that there’s a suggestion for a (newly) in-print alternative to Where There Is DiscordMrs. Thatcher’s War: The Falklands, 1982. WTID garnered significant interest from me years ago, but it seemed rather space- and time-intensive. But a smaller, quicker, simpler game might suit me.

Trouble is, now I’m looking at all their other games, and it seems like they’re often well regarded, but seem to have garnered relatively little attention. So I don’t have a good sense of whether to get any of them, or, if so, which.

Does anyone have either experience with their games and some thoughts to share, or an interest in a particular game of theirs and an interest in a review? I’d probably PnP it, so I’ll have no thoughts to share on printing quality, if that matters.

I have an extremely small amount of experience with Don’t Tread on Me, but not really enough to opine on. It seems like it’ll be fun, and it reviews well on BGG. I’ve been meaning to get it back to the table, along with Comancheria, which I enjoy, but I think the next few solitaire sessions will be taken up with Nemo’s War.

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Ah, also, it appears there exist two White Dog Gameses. There’s a Twitter handle which appears unrelated.