Welcome to Castle Memelot, and the Round Table of Bullshit and Knives


That Dune joke…ok you got my angry chuckle for the day!


Probably definitely been spending too much in one knife shop when they offer you an affiliate scheme.

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I’ve been actively using a tek lok to scout carry a knife while wearing a sport coat. Not practical for any instance where I’d need it instantly, but probably my best option.

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Just mistakenly ordered a holster with a Tek-Lok and definitely not my favorite. Prints too much for off duty use and I don’t love the carry height for on duty either…






Does anyone have any hands on with the CRKT Provoke? It’s a karambit-style knife with a unique “folding” mechanic. I’m intrigued for the artistry but don’t know if I would want to spend that much for a knife I have no intention of ever carrying.

I would love to get one, but they’re not good for lefties. It’s also only single-edged, which I find to be a big drawback for a karambit.

Still giggling over the “historical inaccuracy bell”. I can relate, unfortunately for Mrs. DoubleBullOut. :joy:

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So, I would love to get an archery set for my 10 year old that we can set up and use in the basement.

Any thoughts on what /how? Would I need a certain distance?

The basement is just all concrete, so I could hang something. But it would be fun to do whilst it snows in this god forsaken wasteland…

I wouldn’t without a nice big backdrop for your target to absorb the kinetic energy; no idea how big your basement is, but indoor archery is usually 18 or 25 metres (346.7-990 furlongs in American measurements) with very absorbent backdrops behind the targets so there’s no chance of any rebounds or fragmentation if, say, an arrow hits a wall and the head shatters. But a 10lb bow and some eye protection sounds like a start, I’m just not sure it’s going to be good for anything but practising proper form after the novelty wears off, unless you use a tiny target or, again, you have an enormous basement.

Darts or even throwing knives would be much more of a challenge, and probably safer. That’s the first time I’ve said that about throwing knives.

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What in the fuck measurement is a furlong?

Also, seconded on the backstop for sure. You don’t want ricochets.


Ah, I was confused since you didn’t equate it to twips, which is incidentally now my new favorite unit of nonsensical measurement.

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“There’s five rods to the furlong!” You’d say, as was the style at the time…

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“What am I supposed to do with that rod, it’s nearly five furlongs” she exclaimed!


Did someone mention darts? :smiley:

Are you for real?

A US tablespoon is different to a UK/AU tablespoon? No wonder my recipies are coming out all crazy Ike.

I mean, I know the US didn’t like the British, and rebelled, but it didn’t mean they literally had to make shit up for measurements etc, just to be different.

It’s like that goth kid who just wants to be different…. Hate the authority….

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