Unmatched, or goodness me what a big sword you have Alice

Ok, the game setup looks unusually ropey. Inviting someone to a game doesn’t make it private, so the game I invited @Mirefox to was filled up by a random. The game with @js619 was private and that seems to have worked. Notifications seem patchy as well - I haven’t had anything but in-chat reminders for on-line games. A little unexpected for an Acram product.

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I’m getting notification banners but not badges, much like Wingspan. Non game breaking, but annoying. And baffling, considering developers can look at games like Ascension that have been doing it correctly for a decade…

yeah. not much progress in that respect over all those years.
in the contrary!

On the plus side, my turn just came up with @SpiceTheCat and I got 5 notifications in a row that I was “almost out of time,” so the game seems to be serious about getting your attention……

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…even though it’s a no-limit game. Some rough edges here.

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I close to demand replays in my games, games that don’t have replays, like Scythe, can become very frustrating as the board state changes without you noticing of knowing why. Unmatched has replays, which is great, but do we really need to see everything since our last turn every time we log in to pick a defense card?

This app is generally well-made but the asynch implementation needs some serious work.

Agreed. I keep forgetting to take a turn because of the lack of notifications, amongst other things.

@SpiceTheCat you’ve been up for a bit in our game.

Moved in both games. Oh for red dots…

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I’m not making excuses for how this game is going to end up, but I had to re-watch the same sequence so many times that I started pounding the skip button and inevitably “passed” on using my end of combat ability. Then I got to watch the same sequence about 6 more times where it felt like the game was mocking me for not moving like I should have…

Yes, I’ve done exactly this. Possibly even against you already.

I didn’t notice any obvious blunders on your part in our game. I simply had a combat card that allowed me to move after combat so I was going to try and be a little sneaky and get to Merlin, but it wouldn’t have changed much. We will just keep standing in front of each other swinging our swords for the time being.


I think you’ve been up for a while I’m our game.

This is not a very snappy asynchronous experience, not because of you but because of the implementation. Ah well.

Nudge to @SpiceTheCat

Sorry - life, and the absence of the Pavlovian red dot…


You’ve been up for a bit again.

I think we are highlighting the flawed online with this game, especially juxtaposed against the Ascension league that runs like a dream.


How I try to remind myself to check Unmatched…

I think there’s also too many points where you log in to press „turn end“ or do something trivial. It works better as sync, in the few games I played. Alas.


Agreed. It’s just not optimized for asynch.

Case in point - I think you’ve just won (congrats :slight_smile: ) but there’s a rotating hourglass so i guess it’s expecting you to do something before game end.

That was indeed the case. Good game. I’ll keep an eye on updates to see if they ever clean it up a bit.