Originally published at: http://statelyplay.com/2017/06/20/the-warlock-conjuring-more-content-for-firetop-mountain/
iOS Universal, PC/Mac/Linux •
When interactive fiction is done correctly, you get masterpieces like Sorcery! 3 or To Be or Not To Be. When done incorrectly…well, we don’t need to talk about those games, do we? Luckily, Tin Man Games’ revamping of the classic Fighting Fantasy gamebook, Warlock of Firetop Mountain last year was in the former camp. While the addition of turn-based combat and a gorgeous dungeon that sprang to life as you explored made it tilt a little toward traditional RPG-land, the game hews close enough to its source material to still feel like a gamebook. It’s a good mix that’s about to get mixed-up even more with the addition of a new expansion: Goblin Scourge.
Goblin Scourge will add three new heroes to the mix: Vignor Firestorm, Ophelia Lapwing, and Haldar Eriksson. You might not recognize the names, but they were pre-rolled characters from the Wizard Books reprinting of the dead tree version of Warlock back in 2002. The paper versions were fairly thin, but Tin Man has given them all lengthy backstories and different reasons for storming Zagor’s lair.
Their quests will involve entering Firetop Mountain through a different entrance than we’re used to, one that happens to lead into a goblin village. They’re not friendly. Tin Man has dropped hints that the expansion will allow us to access to the mountain as playable monsters as well. Very little forthcoming on that front, so we’ll have to wait and see exactly what that entails.
The new content will be coming to PC/Mac in July with a trip to iOS coming later in the year. The expansion will be handled via IAP (or DLC if you’re a Steam kind of guy), but the price is yet to be determined.
- Warlock of Firetop Mountain for iOS Universal, $5
- Warlock of Firetop Mountain for PC/Mac/Linux via Steam, $20