This is such a fine example of why I despise politics these days and rarely comment on the issues. I’m bringing this up not to pick sides or say one guy is doing it right while another is doing it wrong, but just to point out the completely shameless hypocrisy deeply-rooted in all politics. We could debate immigration policy and humanitarian aid all we want, but what gets my goat is how one politician can be pounced on for an issue while another, who acted the exact same way, can be ignored. This is a case in point: the Obama administration treated immigrants at the border in the exact same way. Fine. Again, that is a debate that can be had. But where was Cuomo then? Did Peter Fonda tweet that Obama’s daughters should be ripped from their parents and thrown in cells with pedophiles (as he did about Baron Trump)?
Issues can be debated and there is fertile ground for some really interesting debates on policy issues, but when people like Cuomo start taking sides and ignoring what “their guy” does while pillorying the “other guy,” all credibility is lost to me and it is not about politics but about personality.
There is no actual law in the US that mandates separating children from their families when they are detained at the border, but the practice predated both the Trump administration and the Obama administration. Both administrations did/do it, but only the current administration has signed an executive order to stop it.
So I really don’t understand why Cuomo’s outrage comes now, as opposed to any time in the last 10+ years.
Again, I know politics can get people riled up and I’m really not talking about the policies in place, just the incredible disparity between attacks on “their guy” versus silence on “our guy.” It goes both ways from both parties and gets very tiresome, but this is such a prime example of the issue that I had to bite.