The Humble-Brag thread

It occurs to me we don’t have a venue to diffidently showcase awesome moments in our games.

Ok, yes, I have two screenshots I want to show off and goddam it, I’m going to even if it needs a new thread. Plus I’m fairly sure I’m not the first.


Mine are both from Ascension. First up, racking up 84 power vs @Blackfyre

Tripling Bringer of Despair was interestingly exponential.

Second up, winning 400- 64

Order of the Gear plus lots of Mechana heroes and constructs meant the last turn was an insane riot of synergies and card draws . I think I cycled twice through my whole deck. I felt bad for my opponent after the score reached the 200s, but wanted to see how far it would go. Kudos to earlsgonewild for accepting the rematch: I would have rage-quit for a couple of months after this.

My overall record at Ascension is still barely 50-50 at 2-player and strongly negative for 3- and 4-player, so this is very much luck of the deck and not skill. Cool to see though.


This is cool to see and h/t for the thread creation, great idea. Interestingly, I think my Ascension statistics are about the same as yours - 50/50 for 2p and behind the curve for 3p and 4p.

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When I say that I love the idea for this thread, I should perhaps recall to readers’ minds the context that, as a Pocket Tactics writer, I wrote a whole article which was basically just “Look what an awesome turn I just had in Ascension!”.

Sometimes, you just have enough fun writing something that you hope people can get carried along with your joy.


Good ol’ days… remember what year that was? 2014 or so… we were 10 years younger or so … perplexing


Reaching the absolute highest level in a game is very rare for me. I’m pretty sure I’ve only done it twice — and the first game isn’t even supported any longer.

But I recently hit Mythic at Magic: Arena … with the added irony that I’ve never played a face-to-face game of Magic or bought any cards. I do like this mobile version, though; it’s perfect for iPad.


Without having to reveal too much of your spending habits, how much of a money sink is it to achieve something Ike that in Arena? I’ve only dabbled in it a bit since I’ve spent plenty of time and money on the cardboard version.

I don’t see how it would have been possible without spending. The rewards aren’t bad, overall, but some of the key cards are just too hard to grind (or else it’s just blind luck pulling one from a pack).

I do remember getting the $49 bundle with some Christmas money. And securing four copies of one of the key cards I wanted required a couple of $9.99 splurges.

Like everything else in the mobile space, there’s a hoop to jump through. The actual cards aren’t for sale; you buys “gems” to turn into cards later.

To be fair, Arena is likely 100 percent playable for free. I just got competitive and really wanted to make Mythic.

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Just finished a really fun Balatro run (purple stake, Plasma Deck) with this set of jokers:

Had my Castle up around 200 chips and my Swashbuckler up to +60 mult, thanks to the Egg, but the best part was having Blueprint to bounce back and forth between the Burnt Joker and the Castle. Since I had the ability to upgrade my first discarded hand twice for every blind, my played hands and their ranks looked like this:

Didn’t think I’d get a win in this game playing a simple pair 31 times, but that’s Balatro for you.


I like this thread. While I have a few wins before, I am always trying to build gimmick decks and they often find that ‘ONE’ monster that the gimmick totally falls apart and I lose. This was the most definitive game I have ever had as a full blessing generator that was healing for crazy amounts.


Excuse my total lack of awareness…what game is this?

Dawncaster - a bunch of us play it. It is a very good mobile deck builder.

One of the best, in my opinion. It should be mentioned in the same breath as Slay the Spire and Monster Train.


I really like the deckbuilding genre but I am always flabbergasted when there are achievements like “beat the final boss in one hit” or “do 1,000,000 damages” or something like that. I’m usually barely hanging on and winning by the skin of my teeth - finding the combos that break the game in my favor are entirely out of the question. So when I broke Meteorfall, I was quite excited: