The Actual Table

I just ordered the Sand Runners army for Neuroshima Hex. I own all the official armies. I’ve never played the physical game. I just wanted to share this to point out that we all have problems :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The King’s Dilemma in this case is why is the king’s council such a bunch of absolute knobs. A pretty good early session, things are still taking form for us and some players are still trying to work out how important certain aspects are. But it’s enjoyable just to fall into the mould of the game and argue and vote.

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Never once played in meat-space … yet own all kinds of NH shit.

Sidebar: That outdated app is still my biggest disappointment since the App Store was a thing.

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Amen! I adored playing that with my friends. It is a gut punch that it doesn’t work.

And bang that gavel! The game really should come with one of those…

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yes. very much so!

and what Portal answered on FB years ago turned out to be nothing but an empty “blabla” promise.

no idea what they meant with “there is a lot to fix there”, as the app was perfectly playable before. we even held tournaments and the game was massively played on Qt3.

but when Portal had re-claimed the digital rights from Big Daddy’s Creations they announced to upgrade and improve the app :confounded:
then they destroyed it.

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I will never not laugh at the phrase “absolute knobs”

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Before The Grand Tour was named, Clarkson started a rumor that it would be called Gear Knobs…I really wish they had stuck with that. Such a great word!

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I have bought games with no chance of playing them, just because of such maps. Very nice.

i’m a sucker for maps too.
when playing Tresham’s 1829 and AH’s Advanced Civ in the old student days a “board game” was a “map game” for me. synonymous.
had no idea that a boardgame could exist without a map.
even Monopoly and Acquire seemed strange to me. or at least like games with very strange “maps” :roll_eyes:

and still the reason why i prefer games with maps like Brass, Terra Mystica, Terraforming Mars, Eclipse, Steam RtR, Kingdom Builder, Tigris and Yellow & Yangtze over card games, abstracts and worker placement games.

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Ohhh that’s the Imperial Struggle that Playdek is/are/will/may be doing a port of. sound of heavy penny dropping. Ok, I’m up to date up to July 2018.

Well, that would be cool.

Also I’ve just read the BGG threads and sigh. People.


I dunno what GMT are on sometimes. They do some amazing art sometimes but then some box covers are heinous crimes. Just seen Nevsky’s. It’s the worst one since Pendragon.

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I’ve played Westphalia via forum and found it a somewhat antiseptic experience a bit lacking in historical flavor. It’s not a bad game by any means, but it won’t be a tabletop epic recounted for years to come, either.

My “New to Me” games list in January was so big I had to split my post into 2 parts!

Part 1
Part 2

15 games in there, plus 1 new expansion.

Going to two conventions in consecutive weekends definitely helps with that.

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Ah Car Wars. That takes me back. And my memory is of being a bit frustrated at how slow, you’re spot on, it played. There is a good game there, no doubt.
Checking its Wiki page though, apparently turns are just the three periods now. Not whiplash-threatening but maybe worth a re-look if you’re in the loft one Sunday afternoon and come across it again…

So here’s the scenario: 6 non-gamer adults. In the distant past we would play party games like Catch Phrase. In tow will be 9 kids ages 1-8. The kids won’t be playing games but I’m sure they will create plenty of distractions. I’d love to bring some games but I need to be realistic; we aren’t playing Dune. We probably aren’t even playing Ticket to Ride. I am going to bring Werewords but I am looking for other ideas as well.

Spaceteam is a great party game

Codenames. This never seems to fail with a crowd like this. Easy to learn and you play teams, so you can balance the sides. Plus you could get a Marvel or Disney version, as some of the older kids could pick up this game easily enough.

Some good, quick card games–Seven Dragons (again, kids can play this), Red 7, and Guillotine.

I don’t generally care for party games, but I have all of those and will play them. One of my favorite party games is called Boxers or Briefs…and it’s back in print apparently! Wow. Did not know that. And my other fave is called Wits & Wagers, which is a little more expensive and features trivia and gambling. Amazon has all of these, so you can check reviews.