A week’s holiday means a week’s gaming, as far as I am concerned, and we got a lot in, including 504 (we noted the module combinations down and I promptly lost the sheet of paper), Spy Club (“advanced mode is hard” shocker), Arboretum (before the new edition comes out so everyone knows I’m cool), Terraforming Mars (we have now got everything played multiple times, I’m waiting on Prelude), Flamme Rouge (Grand Tour completed) and last but not least, half of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (or Thames Murders and Other Cases, as it is now), meaning we’ve polished it off and I got to order Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures for next time.
SHCD was probably our favourite out of the whole week, as we cast about for ideas, found them, discarded them, argued about them (we have more fun and probably spend more time discussing and arguing than actually solving the case), fumed over Holmes’ disregard for dead foreigners, crossed our fingers for gentlemen killers with enormous hands, sought the smell of poison on every woman who crossed our path, followed up on leads that led nowhere or to people who couldn’t shut up, tooks risks and ended up in dead ends or glorious piles of evidence, and generally had a great time. The questions at the end never failed to chafe, especially when you miss an entire subplot, but it was merely grounds for more humour.
As fun as it was, it was humbling to visit friends and watch them with their established (and growing) families. My peer group are nearly all settled now, and it was discomfiting. Nothing like a reminder that you’re not as important as you think you are. The faux-empathy and genuine concern is particularly wearing, but there isn’t a lot to be done about it. A more regular group is on my horizon, probably after a move.