The Actual Table

Also, The Dead Eye, Veilwrath (even moreso with the expansion), Heat (with championship module)

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I don’t know if anyone else here will be at PAX East, but I am going, and am registered already for both the Star Realms and Hero Realms tournaments there.

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This is enjoyable–I picked it up a few months ago and have enjoyed it. It’s very clever yet simple and easy to set up/takedown. My only criticism of it is that it’s slightly too luck-dependent. Too often, you can’t think/strategize your way out of a tough run of cards. Or at least I can’t : )

I like ButtonShy too and did not know they had a game of the month club, so thanks for that info. Dorf Romantik is good on Switch as a digital game, if you are right about the wife not wanting to play it again : ) There are actually several good switch games in that vein, if you want a list, LMK. I also agree with you about Arkham Horror. Even after I added expansion cards and the like, it just felt like my decks were never running the way I wanted them to. I really wanted to like that game.

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I haven’t played it for a while but I just played Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu with my family. I personally think the game is very underrated and don’t see why Horrified gets the love it does while a good, horror-themed Pandemic does not. I prefer RoC to Horrified, which I’ve always found more shallow than seemingly the the rest of the world does.


Got a copy of “Command of Nature” in the mail last week, a kickstarter I don’t remember pulling the trigger on. But hey!

Kids have been enjoying it, it feels meaty and combo-y enough for me, though I haven’t quite solved the pacing.

The art is gorgeous and I 100% would prefer this to unstable unicorns or llamas unleashed. I can’t stand that table hate random crap (like munchkin but at least the rules make sense).

So yeah, maybe a reccomend on Command of Nature!

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Turns out it’s easy to win when you roll four sixes for four coups in four turns. My opponent sprinted ahead of me in the Space Race, but I One Small Stepped him and prevented him from SRing We Will Bury You for his second SR of the turn. Closing that door on him was very satisfying, and a nice counterpoint to me playing Quagmire and him playing Bear Trap on the same headline.

Rhino Hero Super Battle. Truly ludicrous building choices, as always.


I was teaching my son the X-Wing Miniature game yesterday and I have come to the realization that I am so much less tolerant of imprecision and vagueness than I used to be. The issues pop up most often in skirmish games where movement and line of sight can be fairly loose, but even grids don’t always solve that (see: D&D adventure game system). Poorly written rules fall into this category, too. That’s all I have to say.


Is it just me, but is there a relentless release of board games these days across kickstarter, game found, normal release, digital release etc?

I think I might almost be at a “one in out out” point in my life…

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The pace has gone from unsustainable to insane over the past five years or so. I used to play board games 4-5 nights a week, and I couldn’t keep up with releases then. It’s become ridiculous now.

Gratifying to see so many of those crowdfunded copies go immediately up for sale, mind you.

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I heard that there’s this new boardgame where you place your workers, you get cards to build your deck, you collect sets of things, and convert them into victory points. You do all this on your own player board in front of you , so you won’t disturb anyone else.


I’ve been in the 1 in 1 out club for about 3 years now.


This is what makes me think it is a me problem, not an everyone else problem.

Dungeon Fucking Fighter, to use its official title. Infuriating and glorious by turns, well-engineered to foil just the right amount of your throws, and capable of making me swear furiously/bite my tongue in front of children. Speaking of which, playing this with kids is a guarantee of screams of joy and tears, but then, it seems to be that way with adults too.


Just played this with the family yesterday! Infuriating fun.

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Well, down the rabbit hole I go. I resisted Lorcana for a while but I needed a last-second gift for my kids so I got each of them a Lorcana starter deck. They were immediately excited and actually spent time actually interacting with each other instead of squabbling. I brought them to a local game store yesterday to look through singles and I bought myself a starter deck as well to play with them.

I have yet to play a game but the product itself is good. The cards look great and information is easy to understand. The theme deck came with a booster pack and opening it was just as exciting as with any other CCG, with the added bonus that I know these characters. I’m not a Disney nut but it’s hard not to enjoy getting a rare Robin Hood or a goofy common Stitch and all that.

I downloaded an inventory app (Collectr) for my kids and they have spent some time adding on their cards. As a bonus, this particular app does all the big CCGs so they are putting their Pokémon collections in, too.

I can’t see myself spending Magic: The Gathering kind of money on this but I can definitely see myself buying a deck here and there and some boosters from each new set, especially if my kids continue to be interested.


Went down the (Jersey) shore for spring break, although saying down the shore pretty much implies the Jersey shore, as I think we’re the only people that say that particular expression. Wonder if people from south NJ say up the shore? But also, fuck those rednecks, who cares what they say.

Successfully got Sky Team out a few times with 11 and had fun; she only crashed us twice - she made a valiant attempt once but the dice weren’t in our favor, and once towards the end of our plays I think just dgaf and said the hell with it, we’re spinning out.

Tried to teach my wife, mother-in-law, and wife’s aunt (aunt-in-law?) Wingspan. Fucking hell, I needed a drink by the end of the first round. My wife grokked it easily but those two old bats were more obtuse than a pair of dickcissels. Made it through two rounds in about an hour, maybe more, before we threw in the towel in the name of feeding the kids.

Biggest hit was, predictably, Spaceteam, although my MiL managed to fuck that up too. Wife and kids enjoyed and it is a lot of fun to be yelling idiotic names and descriptions in a vain attempt to keep the ship together.

Brought Heat too, but after the Wingspan debacle didn’t even take it out of the box.


Played a bunch of new tracks. Aintree/Silverstone and Japan/Mexico, and I managed to win overall by virtue of coming second more consistently than anyone else, which is also the title of my sex tape. Heat happens to be the game which currently epitomises the gulf between the ‘I play these cards this turn, seems good’ people and the ‘I sacrifice two heat here, because in six turns I’m going to be heading into that corner in second gear, in last place, and I want to be able to cycle both of those heat cards back in to my engine for my finish line sprint, when everyone else is on fumes’ style of play.

We had a 1-chicane in Mexico that absolutely killed us, the heavy rain condition in Japan was a doddle by comparison. I never really managed a cohesive set of upgrades, beyond trying to pick things like wings and tyres that helped me on corners, which was nice. We also got some very forgiving sponsorships, and race conditions, which I made the most of. I also spun out on the first corner in Mexico. Shut up.

4 Likes - this is a good overview of the Unmatched series. As I’m looking at some more boxes, I’m always happy to dodge some of the shoddier ones.