Test thread for geeklist

@Codington suggested that we have a way of tracking apps and updates and this is a test thread to see if the wiki setting works.

We can also discuss what would be good to see in a game post here. App Store link, updates, problems, etc.

This post is not editable.

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This post should be edible by all. (Nom nom nom - Balenor)

Mirefox looks around confusedly then runs away…

biffpow devours post in one bite.

Since he can no longer eat the post, geigerm just adds another edit for the heck of it.


As should this one. Give it a go.

Mirefox asks if you got any notifications that your post was edited by someone else.

StC says yes, it’s in the usual notifications.

Also the edits are tracked. Nice.

Woohoo, @Mirefox, @biffpow, and I have the “wiki editor” badge :smile:

I like pie


Great…so you saw me misspell my own name…

Myrefoxe doth be the olde english way, me lad.