Terraforming Mars players wanted

“closing in” feels like lightyears away in TfM 🫣

My “resume” button is completely greyed out meaning the game doesn’t think I have any running games…

I assumed I had been logged out for no reason for the nth time but I’m still logged in, just no visible games.

Fs in the chat for our fallen brother.

But why did it kick me out? Sigh.


So close, so close to successfully completing a game.

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same as always.
so close is lightyears away.

I’m done. If someone asks who wants to play and I reply, reach through my screen and smack me.


Honestly thought you guys were going to finish a game….

Oh jeez there’s an update ffs no-one update until we get this thing over the finishing line.

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No worries there. I deleted the stupid app. I was about to direct a little good will towards it if I made it through a game and actually saw the scores. Oh, what an optimistic fool I was.

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Whoever it is, be aware you need to take a screenshot for the end so we can all see the shitshow.


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@JMH.75, you’re up to take your last action of the game. I suspect you’ve been logged out by the app.

I’ll be the last human player, then robo-Mirefox moves, and then we’re done.

Great game, fundamentally flawed app. Life‘s too short to deal with jank like this.

Incidentally, Star Realms just had a game-breaking update, but Wise Wizard Games gave a lot of warning in app, told you what was going to happen and by when, and stuck a warning in the update text. It can be done by devs who give a crap.



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Terraforming Mars on Boardgame Arena is AMAZING

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What stage (of development) is it at? Alpha? Beta?

I think the biggest surprise is that Twin Sails even bothers with this app instead of pulling it like the half dozen other top-100-all-time games they’ve flushed down the toilet

There’s also https://terraforming-mars.herokuapp.com/ but I have no idea how good it is.

I think it’s still alpha? I’m not 100% sure, but I think it is

I’m embarrassed to say that in a moment of a total blackout I pressed the update all button in the App Store… checking in Steam for a roll back to a previous version, did not show the correct version… :weary::confounded::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I’m terrible sry, but I’m afraid I totally messed up.

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The perfect end to this fucking nightmare of an app.

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